Chapter 5

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2 years later (present)

Yeonjun's pov

Where the hell is he? He is never this late. We will be late for our first day. Ughh!!! I thought.

Currently i am standing in front of my house. Mom told me she could drop me at school as it is the first day of a new year but i refused as he said we would walk to school together. But he is late. I was about to call him when

"Yeonjunie hyung!!" He called. He was running towards my house.

"Soobin-ah you are really late. We had to go to school early today for the school gathering." I said annoyed.

Actually as we are going to graduate this year. So our school always does arrangements of a school gathering before the 1st day of school and all students must attend that gathering.

"S-sorry hyung. I o-over slept." He said  trying to catch his breadth. So cute.

"Well i forgive you. Let's go now." I said holding his hand and running to go to school.

Just as we entered the school the assembly started. We went inside the school and as we were going to the auditorium we were interrupted by someone.

"Um- excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the auditorium? I am kinda lost." That person said nervously.

"We are going that way. You can come with us." Soobin said with a bright smile.

"Oh that would be great." The person said also smiling.

"Hey let's go or we will be scolded." I said again holding Soobin's hand and going towards the auditorium but as we were walking he released our hands.

"You are new here, right?" Soobin asked smiling. Why is he smiling so much today?

"Ah yes. I just transferred here." That person said.

That guy was really handsome. He has dark brown hair. A beautiful face and was taller than me.

"This is the auditorium." Soobin said showing him the auditorium door.

"Thank you so much for your help." He said smiling sweetly.

"I am huening kai by the way." He said extending his hand for a handshake.

"I am Choi Soobin and that is Choi Yeonjun my best friend." Soobin said shaking that guy's hand and smiling brightly.

Well why did he only shake Soobin's hand?

[A/N: Guys i am so sorry for not updating  this for months. Actually last year was the worst year. It was really difficult for me to write anything at that time of my life. I was really depressed at that time. I am so so so sorry. For that. But now i am okay and almost back to normal so i am going to finish this story. And thanks for 600+ views. That means a lot to me. Untill then stay safe.]


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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