Chapter 7 That "feeling" problem

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Izuku went to his classroom and saw Himiko was standing in the hallway just outside, gazing out the window, she turned as she heard Izuku's footsteps "Himiko.. what's this about?" He asked, Himiko smiled as she began circling around him "Hmmm well what's your option of me?" She replied knowing full well of what she had in mind. Izuku frowned before speaking "Look Himiko, yes I like you, we're friends I'm pretty sure, but I'm already in a relationship if that's what you're thinking!" He said, Himiko stood in front of him and placed a hand on his chest and pushed him towards the wall. She stared into his eyes "I know you're in a relationship it's... with me" she said softly before quickly leaning to plant her lips on his. As Izuku went to push Himiko away Kyoka yelled out "YOU SMUG BASTARD!" Her voice echoing through the hallway, Himiko parted her lips from Izuku, Izuku looked towards Kyoka who had tears forming. He took a step forward but she ran off "I guess she wanted you t-" Himiko stopped talking as Izuku turned to her, the rage clearly showing on his face "She wanted me? SHE ALREADY HAD ME! NO THAT'S IT! Stay away from me got it?" He spat back before storming off. He immediately went looking for Kyoka but couldn't find her not even at the train station.
Once he made it back to his apartment, he went straight to Kyoka's but no one answered the knocks on the door, so he made his way to his room to shut himself away not even bothering to check his phone that was receiving messages from Fumikage and Mina.

Himiko POV
Himiko has told her parents that she'll be going out for abit after school, though she was just with wondering around aimlessly "I did it, I expressed my feelings but Izuku seemed really pissed off, I mean there's no way he was lying about what he said could he? Ughhh stupid feelings!" She said aloud, she noticed something in the distance in an open field, she then made out the shape a person then the colour pink and her heart sank abit and her stomach was starting to twist as the person began making their way over. Himiko completely froze in place as Mina was now a few metres away "Himiko.. you know what I'm about to say aren't you?" Mina said, Himiko looked down and slowly nodded "It's true isn't it? They... were together?" Himiko responded softly, drawing breath to speak again "I need to make it right, if not today then tomorrow!"  Mina softy coughed to make Himiko look up "Come on then, let's go make it right" she said gesturing Himiko to follow.

Normal POV
Kyoka was home alone as everyone else had gone out for dinner with Kyoka not wanting to go out or even leave her room, but a knock at the front door made her get up not bothering to splash water on her face or wipe her tears "I swear if that's either the bastard or the bitch I'm going to start taking names" she said quietly to herself unlocking the door and swinging it open, she saw Himiko and immediately clenched her fist with Mina immediately standing in between them "Himiko wants to say something very important, may we come in" Mina said, Kyoka was just starting down Himiko but walked in allowing Mina and Himiko to enter, Kyoka sat down on the couch though what happened next completely took her off guard. Himiko threw herself at Kyoka's feet "K-Kyoka.. I'm sorry.. i wasn't thinking at all.. I should've asked or something.. if you don't want to forgive me that's fine, but I want you and Izuku back together!" She said, bawling her eyes out pleading with Kyoka. Kyoka closed her eyes and sighed "W-well you've apologised, so there's that. I haven't spoken to Izuku since it happened but I probably should since I've had some time to calm down" Kyoka said biting her bottom lip, Himiko stood up and hugged Kyoka tightly "I'm really sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Himiko said without taking a breath, Mina now joined in on the hug "Let's go see Izuku ok!" She said which Kyoka and Himiko both thought that would be best. Izuku was in his room when he heard a knock at the front door, he sighed but was met with a muffled response from Kyoka "I heard you in there Izu, my quirk remember" he unenthusiastically opened his door then opened the front door and was surprised to see Mina and Himiko there too, he went to close the door when Himiko stopped him by placing a hand on it "Izuku, I'm here to apologise, I shouldn't have done what I did today, i should've properly went about it with reason and not followed my heart which almost ruined 2 friendships" she said.

It was Kyoka's turn to speak next "And I'm sorry too, for the way I acted, i jumped to conclusions" "I'm sorry too, for not bringing popcorn" Mina said "Mina you're not helping!" The other 3 said in unison "I'm sorry as well, sorry for not saying anything sooner which would've avoided this whole thing and not damage relationships" Izuku said. Kyoka placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder "I've forgiven Himiko and I'm sure she's forgiven you" she said. Himiko smiled "I have, there's only one thing left for you two to do" Himiko said hugging Izuku and Kyoka "I'll see you two tomorrow then and thank you!" She said before walking off with Mina. Kyoka turned to Izuku "We never officially broke up soooo" she stared at Izuku waiting for an answer. He put an arm around her waist and pulled her closer "Is that better?" He asked "Yeah it is... oh by the way, there's a bulge in your pants" she said making Izuku look down in embarrassment, he slowly looked up at the grinning face of Kyoka "Hehe got'cha!" She giggled before moving in for the kiss.

A/N: Thanks again for being patient. I will do another little voting thing below to give you all a voice in what my next fanfic will be.

IzukuXMomo (A fantasy fanfic)

IzukuXMina (Alternative universe fanfic)

I will be happy to provide more details on the 2 stories if needed and will begin finishing the draft on the most voted one! Have fun!

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