Chapter 1: Luna

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Hello and welcome to Mary's Tavern.  My glass arm made a clink when I sat down.  It had banged lightly against the table, and since it was completely hollow, it made that sound often.  Stupid porcelain, I thought.  I considered the fact that I had been born completely made of porcelain.  

     The funny thing is that I have blood, but it's far enough away from my white, porcelain skin so that if I bump it, it doesn't bruise and that if I chip my skin, I won't bleed.  

     "Luna, what are you, of all people, doing here?" asked the man.  His beard and mustache were weirdly classic.  The hair that was weirdly not made of porcelain moved around my head.  It was dark brown.  My hair.  

     "Just here to get something to eat," I replied.  He frowned.  I smiled and he understood not to ask any more questions.  Most people don't even know that I eat.  And I have school tomorrow.  I look him in my eyes, which looked painted right into my skin.  A bright blue.  And whoever said that they weren't?

     "Ms. Luna, please don't tell me you're here to eat," said a boy from my class.  His brown hair was wild and curly.  

     "Just go away, Everett," I said.  He looked at me, right in the eyes.  

     "Oh, Luna.  You and your little porcelain self can go away if you're so set on it," he replied and looked at me smugly.  His brown eyes stared at me.  

     "And you know, there are many little things that I wish I had," said one of his friends.  He walked up to me and tried to crack my arm off.  

     Smash!  I stepped on his foot with my shoes, which will fit me forever.  I can wear them.  They are sharp and tall.  Red.  Now think about red, sharp, high heals.  

     Of course I hit him with the bladed edge.  He screamed and let me go.  I rushed away from that tavern.  It felt weird, knowing that I'm not normal, and never will be.  I had always hoped that one day I would be normal.  But not now.  I know better.  I will forever be porcelain.  Forever.  Could you imagine.  

     I went to the shop to ask if I could get a new pair of shoes.  My feet don't fit shoes like everyone else's.  Like how I have to wear shoes that are softer.  Firm ones will break my whole foot off.  

     And I'm pretty sure I don't want to be seen with one of Everett's friend's blood on my shoes.  So my creator, Mark, wasn't present, but there was a man, hunched over and examining something.      

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