Starstruck Chapter 30. Chaos

Start from the beginning

The butterflies in my stomach doubled at her reference. “I love you Glace. I wish I can see you.”

She took a deep breath. The sound was so palpable I could almost touch it. “I love you too. I’ll think of something.”

After we ended the call, I went into zombie mode again. As usual, I cooked, cooked, and cooked, for no one in particular. When I got tired of that, I lay on my bed and read a book, as I did for the last couple of days. Something was wrong with me. I usually enjoyed cooking and reading, but for the past weeks, it was like my passion for those activities fizzled out.

Maybe it was due to the fact that I’ve been missing everyone. Especially Glace. What I would give in this moment to embrace her again and smell her creamy scent. Everything would be alright if we stayed together. At least I kept on convincing myself that.

Around midnight, my mobile phone rang loudly. I was so groggy that I kept my eyes shut while my hands explored the bed, hoping I’d be able to find the phone like that. Something rectangular and sleek was on my right. I grabbed it in an instant, attempting to swipe the screen with my eyes still closed.

“Hello mom,” I said, my voice taking that sleepy tone. “I thought you’re not coming home until tomorrow evening.”

“I’m not your mother virgin girl. Oops sorry I forgot that Glace already did the dirty with you.”

My eyes opened in a snap. “Eris?” I mumbled.

“Uh huh. Listen carefully because I will not repeat this. Dress comfortably and wait on your front door. I’ll be there with the entourage in ten minutes. Don’t ask questions.” The line went dead. What did she mean dress comfortably? And she said she was going to be here. Oh snap.

I rolled out of bed in an instant, running to my closet after. Nine minutes later, I was dressed in jeans, sneakers, and a blue top, waiting beside the front door as instructed. Glancing at my watch, I saw that ten minutes have passed since Eris called. I was tingly with anticipation and nervousness at what was about to occur.

Someone rapped gently on the door. It was so soft that if I wasn’t standing right there, I would have missed it. “Dulce it’s me,” came a whisper.


“Yeah,” he mumbled quietly. “Open the door. Everyone is asleep outside so we’re going to escape.” Trusting my best friend, I opened the door as noiselessly as I could and shut it behind me. True enough, the pesky paparazzi and Glace’s hoards of fans that were camped outside were all asleep. At least no one was visible enough to catch us.

“Hurry,” Tim said. “Eris parked the car a few blocks away from here so we wouldn’t wake anyone. Let’s go.”

Tim and I headed to the direction of the car stealthily. It felt like we were the remaining survivors in the zombie apocalypse, and if we made a noise, the flesh eating creatures would rip us apart or turn us with a bite. It was in the wee hours of the morning and was surprisingly cold enough, even whilst summer was upon us, but I was dripping with sweat.

It was largely because I was so nervous about the whole thing. My heart thumped loudly on my chest that I was afraid it would wake everyone. From the distance, I saw the car. It was Patty’s black SUV and looked normal enough, but to me it was like salvation. Just a few steps more, I chanted to myself as we walked briskly.

A few blocks from the car, someone in the opposite direction spotted us and recognized me immediately. She started to run straight towards us while screaming, “Hey everyone, it’s Dulce Gavin!”

Fudge! The people who I thought were invisible or weren’t there suddenly materialized all around us. Some of them were already blocking our way to the car. There was a flash here and there, making my eyes water as we desperately tried to find our way out. Tim took what appeared to be a walkie talkie and pushed a button before whispering, “Cruela Devil are you there? Over.”

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