She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled as Mitchell walked up in his long white pants and white polo shirt


"All you need is the cigar"

He placed the gholf hat on his head and fished in his pants pocket pulling out exactly that, he placed the big cigar in his mouth and wiggled his eyebrows at her making her roll her eyes

"You look so hot with that damn thing even though I want to beat the shit out of you for smoking so much"

"Hey I smoke a lot less and I don't smoke around you"

"I appreciate it a lot but still...."

He kissed her softly on the lips, "I look gorgeous....", he kissed her neck, ""

His hands traveled down her body squeezing her hips

"Mitch baby....."

He moaned into her neck feeling his pants become tighter, "I haven't been inside you since Thursday's driving me CRAZY"

She felt a pleasure filled pull in her groin but chuckled at his words, "You're counting down the days now?"

His hands moved to her outter thighs while he sucked on her neck groaning out his next words, "Days...hours...minutes...seconds"

It took all her strenght to pull away from him, "I don't want to be late for my own baby shower"

"They won't mind"


"Okayyyy.....but tonight-"

"Tonight I'm giving you the blowjob of a lifetime"

He flinched at her words adjusting his pants, "Well I guess I need to shower all over again.....cold"

**************rewrįte the ştårş**************

"If I am ever pregnant I want to look like you aunt look amazing"

"Ok now.....not something you are gonna be thinking about for a LONG time Mandy"

Vanessa glared at her daughter who just rolled her eyes

"Ugh mom I'm just saying"

"Well thanks anyway", Tess smiled at the young lady and went back to sipping her tea

"As classy as this is....where are the strippers?"

Tess laughed at Saen who strolled in with a cupcake and sat next to her

"I think you're thinking of a bachelorette party sweetie....", she patted his cheek affectionately

".....oh yeah....can I plan that?"

"Shit....I'm sick that day"

The others laughed at the banter between the two. Alexa, Vanessa's youngest daugter, came to sit on Tess's other side pushing her glasses up her nose

"How long have you two been friends?"

"Oh about fifteen years"


"Yeah can you believe I put up with him for so long?"


Everyone looked at the door to see Salvatore walking in with a huge present in hand which he handed to Gloria

"Sal I didn't know you were coming"

Tess stood up and met him halfway kissing his cheeks, "I would hug you but..."

He laughed and cupped her bump, "Girl of boy?"

"Oh girl....can't help but feel relieved by that since a boy would've thrown me WAY off my game"

"I think a girl will keep you on you're feet.....that is if she looks anything like her mom"

"You are too sweet...."

"Too bad he's gay", Gloria spit out sipping on a glass of wine

Tess heard Saen choke on his cupcake behind her and smiled brightly, "I haven't introduced you to my friend Saen yet"

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"Are you sure you're ready man?", Kurt, Rob and Jay watched Mitchell as he pulled back and hit the gholfball

As the ball dissapeared he turned to them and took the cigar out of his mouth blowing out a heap of smoke

"Ready for what? Being a father?"

"Not just a father dude.....the father of a GIRL"

Mitchell frowned at Kurt, "Since when do you know so much about raising kids?"

"I've observed these two idiots"

Jay gestured for Manny to come over to them, "Why don't you show uncle Kurt here what you're dad has taught you huh?"

He nodded and got into posistion hitting the ball even further than Mitchell did causing the others to just gawk at him

"Say something else", Jay challenged Kurt who just put his hands up

"I'm just saying Mitchell....if that little girl turns eighteen boys are gonna jump, we were those boys in school remember? And if she looks anything like her mother....oooh do you have a problem"

"I agree with him...", Rob stood closer for his turn, "....I have two and Mandy turns eighteen next year....I've been making threats since her fifteenth birthday"

"Look guys I appreciate you're concern, I know it's gonna be hard but I have you guys just like you have me"

They all smiled at each other and nodded which made Mitchell continue

"I mean Rob if you're girls ever get hurt just call us and we'll SWAT team his ass"

They all laughed together momentarily forgetting about the gholf, ".....and her mother will beat the shit out of a wrestler"

"Does Tess know about the dance here tonight?"

"Nope I bought her a dress and everything, I hope they get here soon I made an appointment for a massage"

"Are you trying to outdo us?", Jay put all his stuff on the gholf cart throwing his gloves on the seat

"Nope and you might want to thank me cause I rented the place out for all the girls and Saen.....let's just tell them it's from all of us"

"Mr. Hopeless romantic.....get me a date and I'll buy the whole resort for you"

**************rewrįte the ştårş**************


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