Chapter One: A New Home

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The sun shinned through the blinds of the small bedroom. A knock on the door alerted the young woman and caused her to sit up.

"Are you up?" A voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Yes Mother!" The young woman called out as she got out of bed. She walked over to her mirror and noticed an oddly colored skin. Her skin was a faded green and she had sharp green eyes. The young woman smiled and began to get ready. She started with brushing her black hair and messed around with it. Trying to decide if she wanted to wear it up or down took longer than she wanted. So, she just put it up in a high pintail. Once she was dressed, the woman finished packing her bags. Eventually she joined her mother downstairs and noticed a frown on her face.

"Mother are you ok?" The young woman asked.

"Yes of course. It's just today a nerve-racking day for me, having you go to Shiz." Her mother answered.

"I promise no one is going to find out about you. I promised father that I would protect you and I tend to keep that promise." The young woman said.

The older woman was taller than her daughter. Her skin was a darker shade of green and had brown eyes.

"I know, I just think it's a bad idea. However, I know this will be good for you. Just remember, don't let anything the other kids say about you get to you. And most importantly..." Her mother began to say.

"I know Mother. Don't tell anyone who I really am or that we live out here. I know it's dangerous for you to come with me, but I will get there safely. I will send word to you as soon as I get there." The young woman said not realizing she interrupted her mother. For the longest she could remember, she always dreamt of going to Shiz. Now that the day was finally here, it was almost unbelievable.

It took about two days for the young woman to finally reach the school. She was in shock at how many people were here. Suddenly she got more nerves about getting out, but she didn't care. There were people hugging and smiling. They all knew each other and here comes a girl from the outer rim of Oz. The minute she stepped out; all the chatter fell silent. When she turned around everyone was just looking at her. The young woman grabbed her bags and walked up to who, she presumed, was the headmaster.

"Excuse me, I need to sign in." The young woman said.

"Yes of course name please." The goat replied.

"Umm..." The young woman said.

The goat looked up from his clipboard and almost dropped it at the sight of the young woman standing in front of him. He pulled her aside, "I apologize for staring, but you look a lot like an old student I once had."

"My last name is Thropp." The young woman said.

The goat just stared at her with a shock of disbelief. He knew exactly who this young woman was, but by the way she is acting, the headmaster could assume she didn't want people to know. So, he looked down at his board, "Ah! Lirya there you are."

Lirya nodded.

"Yes, very good than. I am Doctor Dillimond, and I am the headmaster of Shiz, and I teach history." Doctor Dillimond reply.

"It's very nice to meet you Doctor." Lirya said.

They shook hands and parted ways for the day. Within the next hour or two, they began to give out room assignments. It took a while, but eventually they reached Lirya 's name. However, the teacher giving out the room assignments did not know what not to do.

"Miss. Thropp?" The teacher called out.

The entire building went silent and their whispers going around the room. Lirya made her way to the front and received her room key and left as quickly as she could. As she left, she heard different things for students.

"Why does she have green skin?" One student asked.

"Do you think she is related to the Wicked Witch?" Another student asked.

"There's no way! The witch didn't know how to love. She couldn't have a child and hated all other life." A student answered.

Lirya found herself walking faster with every comment she heard and eventually made her way to her room. Her room was on the second floor of Creagn Hall and was the one at the far end of the hallway. The door has a gold oval on the top middle of it and had the number "214" engraved on it. Lirya entered her room and started unpacking. The sound of a key turning made her freeze and turn slowly.

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