An Unexpected Offer

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The city of Newham, located on the south shore of the Circular Sea in the north of the Kingdom of Landly, was home to the recently founded Newham Institute of Rational Studies. A project undertaken by the king and queen, it was a center for scholarship in the kingdom. The institute was where the carriage took Beddo Rairatte and his royal guests. Beddo had reserved a comfortable room in one of the institute's buildings.

Once the three sat around a table with the door closed, the time for small talk had passed. Frieanna got right to the point. "You may have heard the Duke of Silverdale has passed away. Since he has no direct heirs," she tipped her head in Rairatte's direction, "we would like to recommend the Noble Council consider you for the position."

Rairatte blinked in surprise. He had been curious what the monarchs might want from him, but he had not expected to be offered a duchy. Especially the one that was arguably the wealthiest in the kingdom. He blinked again. "Really," he replied noncommittally.

"Here's our thinking," Frieanna continued. "Silverdale has kept itself apart from the rest of Landly for years. The duchy has gone its own way long enough. We want to make it feel like it's a part of the kingdom again."

"But a duke?" Rairatte shook his head. "I know nothing about serving in a royal office."

Dax nodded. "While you were not raised in a governing family, you've been a member of Newham's elected advisory council to the Earl of Newham for years."

Rairatte started to object. "The advisory council is hardly a governing body—"

Dax held up his hand. "Granted, but you've sat in many governing meetings with the earl. You'll find the issues of governance familiar." Dax's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Of course the scale and all the details are different, but you know what people disagree on and argue about. The most important thing we've heard is that you play the role of conciliator on the council. You are a voice of reason that everyone listens to."

With a small smile, Rairatte said, "You've been looking over my shoulder?"

Frieanna laughed. "No, but we've asked around. Bindle spends quite a bit of time in Newham and is familiar with your work. Once your name was put forward, she agreed you would be a good candidate."

Rairatte nodded. "Yes, Bindle Treyhorn. She's helped our council any number of times. The dragon-bound's ability to hear lies has helped us settle some thorny disputes."

"Which is another point in your favor," said Dax. "You've worked with the dragon-bound and value our help." He frowned. "Silverdale seems . . ." He shrugged uncertainly. "I guess I'd say they're fearful of the dragon-bound. Maybe resentful at the same time? We think someone like you could work with the duchy to help us improve relations with a rich part of our kingdom."

They talked back and forth about the position for a time. The two rulers had answers for all Rairatte's concerns. "I need to talk with Megganie," he finally said. "And some other people as well." He smiled at them. "But I'm honored to know you think I can help."

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