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Disclaimer: I do not own 'Sky High', 'Charmed' or any other thing associated with Movies or Books, I only own the characters that never appeared in the movie & situations that you soon will start reading. This story is just a way to let my imagination go & for mine & the enjoyment of others, so, please DO NOT SUE ME. 

Even though I don't see any problem which will lead to federal charges, but if you do, I repeat, please DO NOT SUE ME!


There was nothing like summer nights in San Francisco and when you were a Halliwell it was even more magical.

For Hazel Halliwell, there really wasn't anything like it. Some stars were visible in between some of the buildings, a pleasant breeze blew her fake blonde locks around her head as faceless strangers passed by her. She looked up at the sky again, trying to soothe her troubled mind when she saw the blue orbs flying in the sky. A sigh escaped her lips as she neared an alleyway and the orbs started descending into it.

'So much for a little thinking time.' She thought to herself.

As she was steps away from the alleyway a handsome, blonde, young man stepped out of the alleyway and looked around casually, instantly locating the youngest Halliwell.

"I thought you weren't going alone." Nion Halliwell stated as he got in step with the darker blonde witch.

Hazel turned her light eyes to her oldest cousin, his- real- blonde hair and tan skin showing their family resemblance and the triquetra tattoo on their inner wrist showed their world their true identity.

Hazel gave him a small shrug of her shoulders and kept walking down the street.

Nion noticed the difference in his baby cousin's demeanor that made him frown as he walked with her.

"You okay?"

The question made Hazel frown on her own. No, she wasn't okay. This whole day something had been nagging at her insides, her gut telling her not to go out tonight. Even the air around them felt heavy with what she could only think as dread, instead of the light breeze that had been going through her hair.
Pursing her lips she answered.
"I'm fine."

Nion opened his mouth to give her a sarcastic comment when he saw her rapidly reaching into her pant pocket, taking out a brightly glowing scrying stone.

"We're close." She stated, picking up the pace and entering the bad part of San Francisco. The first street started with some abandoned buildings, tall and dark. As the two Halliwells walked deeper into the street, Hazel's stone kept glowing brighter.

"What are we looking for?" Nion asked when he finally caught up to her and looking around the abandoned streets, not a soul in sight.

"Snake demon," Hazel whispered, going further into the street, the stone glowing brighter with every step.

Nion rushed to her and took a hold of her small shoulder but that didn't stop the petite witch who just shook his hand off.
"Are you crazy?" He exclaimed, his concern for his cousin growing along with his tone of voice. "You were going against a snake demon alone? Hazel, what's going on?"

Hazel was looking around the street, her mind going totally blank as she let her animalistic side slightly take over.

The oldest of the third generation of Charmed Ones watched as the youngest one- for now- of said generation's eyes swirled into a pair of glowing, yellow eyes. After her eyes took a solid gold color, she lifted her nose into the air, closed her glowing eyes and Hazel took a deep breath.

{{SkyHighxCharmed}} My Head Under Water, My Body Up in FlamesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora