Chapter 32

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Today is Friday.


I'm seeing Paul.

Double punch.

I'm still fighting with Jack.

Punch, punch, punch, punch.

The punching bag collapses on the floor with a loud thump and the people in the gym turn to face me. Sweat drips from my forehead. This has been going on for about one hour. Same-old right?

A man in uniform approaches me and I take my head phones off.

"Are you okay miss?" He places an arm on my shoulder like a warning.

"I'm great" I breathe panting. "Thank you sir" I try to ration my breathing and take in down to a steady pace. Adrenaline rushes through me like at the end of every workout. I missed this feeling. Pity I'm enjoying it with security in front of me.

"My apologies for this" I signal the punching bag that is lying on the floor, I guess stress does crazy things right? Smiling, I take off my boxing gloves that are covered in warm sweat and head to my duffel bag placing them carefully inside.

"I can write you a check for it sir, I really don't mind" I say when I realise the man in uniform continues to follow me.

"That's okay, I just need to see your documentation and tagging date, if you are tagged"

"Right, okay and yes, I am tagged" I search my bag for my documentation and take out my purse, rummaging through it to find my Identification as a tagged citizen of the Dome and that I live and study in Roseville. In summary, that I am not an intruder or a rebel.

He studies it for a moment, passes it through a machine and hands it back to me.

"Thank you, you may proceed. I will talk to the manager about your incident. I'm sure he won't mind since you are a member of his gym." He says it as if I'm a unicorn or something "He must feel honoured" I smile and nod, trying not to think about the fact that my name is starting to spread. But I simply don't understand how somebody like him could know, I mean, I'm not famous yet.

I start heading home, walking a steady pace. Thought loud my busy mind. I don't really know what I can say to Jack today at school. Or if I should say anything at all. I guess I'm clueless about more things than I thought at first. Cool breeze runs through my freshly combed hair. The scent of my own perfume fills my nose. Vanilla. I breath it in, an instant smile forming on my face. Until I see the stand. And my smile falters, freezing me in place.

The stand that sells magazines and newspapers. I swear I think that's me. It can't be me though, can it? I get closer to the stand.

"Good morning" I greet the woman behind the stand. She smiles lightly.

I stare at the magazine from 'Girl Glamour'. A girl with long blonde wavy hair is on the front cover. She is wearing a gorgeous tight sexy dress and smiling at the camera. I then realise that that girl is me. That is my face, that is my dress. That is me. That photo was taken at a photoshoot for a small advert, it wasn't supposed to be on Girl Glamour. I blink several times and decide to flick through the pages before finding an article.

'Rising super model, Katherine Snow, soon to attend MBA'

Katherine Snow, a 16 year old sweetheart has been accepted at MBA. About to do her test runs and recently tagged, she is a new society's favourite. Her guardian Sarah Miller is extremely supportive in her journey uprising to fame. In an early interview she said 'I'm extremely happy for her. She deserves to show her potential. I am the first person that wants her to achieve as much for the society as possible. She has a lot to give'. He guardian Sarah says that their tour and modelling test will probably be in a few weeks but that she nor the doctor's have any doubt about her succeeding. So here you have it, an uprising super-model, perfect student and society favourite. Make sure to keep your eyes open for her front cover in the Society's new!

I try not to make a reaction because of the woman in front of me. So I smile lightly.

"Could I have one of these?" I gesture the magazine and she nods.

"4 crowns please" I pay her with our currency, the crowns, and she places the magazine in a small paper bag.

"I guessed you would want the one with you on it" She smiles "Congratulations by the way, honey" I try my best to smile back although I currently feel like throwing up.

I thank her and walk away, checking my clock. 7 am. I've got about 1 hour to get home, have a shower, scream and while I'm at it kill Sarah and head to school.

Correction. I meant to say that I will talk to Sarah. Rationally and carefully not to get yourself into trouble. Specially when your face is on the front cover of a major fashion magazine.

Anger is boiling in me but I try my best to keep it together. As soon as I arrive at home I open the door and run into the living room where Sarah is.

She turns to face me quickly.

"Oh, Katherine, how was your workout?" She says with a smile. This time it's my turn to remove that smile from her face.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I scream, pointing at the magazine, not caring about my anger or my safety in that moment.

"Shouldn't you be pleased? It's a special surprise" She grins and in that moment I know, this is going to be far from easy to sort out.

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