9. Sense in the sea

Start from the beginning

"I'm trying not to open my eyes and you want me to see the bright sky." She shuts her eyes tight, pushing him away.

"If you don't I'll throw you in the ocean." He smiled at her, the constant smile that he always has. She looked at him with one eye.

"How can you threaten someone with a smile?" Annoyed, she looked up, clearly opening her eyes.

She has the same reaction that Cressida had. Though they are together for six years it was the first time she saw the bird and its act.

"Why does your bird always have to come when I'm sleeping," Verena complained, leaning back on the door of the cabin.

"Because you always sleep." He said and turned towards Cressida, who was watching everyone, picking the gems. "Go, girl, you can join too."

"Boy." She said. They both signed at her.

Verena beckoned Cressida to call her. Following her action, she came and Verena couched to match her level.

"Who are you?" Verena asked. Confused by her sudden question, Cressida frowned and glanced at Leander then back to Verena.

She opened her mouth to answer but then closed it. Looking at Leander, she thought 'didn't he recognize the dagger? Is that why he didn't ask me...' A sudden clicking sound distracted her stare. Verena snapped her finger in front of her face.

"Look, we know you are Cressida Dragomar, who is a girl. If you say you are a boy; who are you?"

It took a while for Cressida to understand what she means. She's just referring herself as a boy but she hasn't named her. No one asked her name before, neither the lady of the shop. Everyone mentions her as a boy. She thought for a name when she couldn't come up with anything, she said. "Drago."

Verena burst out into laughter then covered it with a cough when the continuous chirping of the bird took their attention. Leander ran and jumped to catch the bird, the moment he did, an arrow passed by it. He rolled down and threw the bird at Cressida.

"Go hide!"

Cressida didn't understand what was happening. Verena pushed Cressida to the side of the cabin. "Blast it!" She said and ran, pulling out a dagger from her back.

Cressida hid there, holding the bird firmly. She didn't know what was happening. Why she was hiding? The sound of men screaming and shouting was audible. By the loud sounds, she didn't dare to look around. She knew there was something wrong and she was afraid to know what it was. 'Why every place I go, tragedy follows?' The question hurt her.

'Hiding again.' The voice in her head echoed. She shuts her eyes tight.

"No." She shouts.

'How long?'

"Shut up." She screamed and opened her eyes to look at the sky.

A huge black ball flew from above, her eyes followed it as it flew forwards and fell in the water with a huge splash. She gathered all the courage to face what was going on. 'If I keep on hiding, I'll lose everyone,' she thought. Taking a deep breath, she turned around holding the bird against her chest. With trembling hands and hammering heart, she came out from the back of the cabin. Her eyes widened and she gasped loudly. There was another ship exactly in front, with its cannons aimed towards them and men and women fighting at the edge of both the ships. Some people shooting cannons whilst some were aiming arrows. There were weapons fallen all over the place. Reading the situation she was sure, those were enemies. 'Did they raid the ship just as how my castle got raid?' she thought. She couldn't let it happen again, every time losing people around her was making her sick, this time she decided to fight.

Cressida wanders her eyes in search of the two people. Darting her eyes from one place to another, she saw Verena standing on the railing with one leg down and one hand holding the railing, there was a dagger in the other hand. Noting the timing she jumped in the enemy's ship and ran with her body bending forward, holding the dagger at her back, dodging the enemy's attack, she moved forward slicing the knees of enemies. They trembled and fell. Stepping forward, Cressida searched for Leander. He was already on the enemy's ship, with his body straight and his left hand folded at the back, he held a thin sword in the right one, surrounded by enemies. Cressida noticed his movements, he was fast and flexible. Before any sword could touch him, he would dodge sideways and slash his sword with theirs and hit them on the neck with his bare hand, making them faint on the spot.

None of her brothers were able to fight the way these people were fighting. Every person was fighting in their own way which mesmerized her. Strolling on the deck, she was noting everyone, their every movement and attack. A bright light twinkled from the left. Shading her eyes with her hand, Cressida saw a man standing at the top of the mast, aiming an arrow at Leander. Acting upon the instinct, she placed the bird on the deck and ran, picking up a bow and arrow. Aiming at the man, she moved to the side. Her hands were trembling as she was about to hit a living person. Moving forward, she loaded the arrow. Taking heavy breaths she gulped hard, trying to study her trembling hands. Closing her eyes she exhaled a deep breath then set her eyes on the target and shoots which hits the upper arm of the man. The man dropped the bow and turned to face Cressida. She flinched back and crawled to hide behind the boxes. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself when the sudden chirp of bird took her attention, spreading its wings, it was ready to fly.

"No. Nordika." Cressida ran to hold the bird which took the flight and was in the air. Holding its claws, she was pulling down the bird, unsuccessfully. Instead, the bird was strong enough to lift her off the feet. She was getting dragged by the bird. Without noticing the surrounding, she was trying to pull the bird down using all her weight and strength. When her feet hit the railing of the ship, she realized she was lifted from the deck. Panicked, she looked down at her feet hanging in the air, kicking them in the air she was trying to hold the railing between her feet.

"There it is, the bird and the boy who hit me." The man standing on the top pointed at her, holding his injured hand.

She turned to look around but before she could comprehend anything, a ring sword flew passed from the front of her eyes. She blinked in surprise and then pain aroused in her forearm. A stream of blood dripped down and droplets fell on her cheek. Her eyes turned moist and she gritted her teeth in pain. Unable to hold on anymore she released her grip, the bird flapped its wings, producing heavy wind and Cressida fell in the ocean.

Her body hit against the water freezing her bones beneath the skin. Her form was getting heavier by each passing moment. She raised her hands to reach the top, the blood from her arm leaked into the water and disappeared making red patterns. The pain in her hand was piercing, making her arm numb. Looking up, she saw bright sun rays through her fingers penetrating in the water. Her limbs gave up, floating above her drowning torso. Bubbles expelled out of her mouth letting water in her lungs. Waves dragging her form in a twisted manner. A coin from her pocket made its way out. Blinking, she looked at the coin, water made her vision blur. She stretched her hand to hold the coin; it was drowning faster than she was. Looking at the coin being drown, a realization hit her. She was not here to have fun, she has retaliation to take care of. There was a sudden burst of water from her mouth when an arm wrapped around her waist. The force was acting against her drowning form, pulling her above from the depth. Her vision vanished and eyelids turned heavier, engulfing her in the darkness.



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