Chapter I

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"Dongypo you must go to school and be happy, make as many friends as you can, show them the Son Dongpyo you really are"

Dongpyo has been living by those words since he left home. He is now currently on his way to X1 High, a school for the gods. He was surprised he was accepted for the dormitory scholarship. You have to be extremely smart for that.

The young boy looks outside of the limo window as they arrive to the school.

"'s so big" he said with a shocked look. Once the vehicle has stopped, he did not hesitate to get out. This is gonna be the best school year yet he thought to himself.

Meanwhile in school...

"HEY GIVE IT BACK" Wooseok screams with rage. He continues to chase Seungyoun around the class room.

"You look into this mirror 100,000 times a day, you look fine already." Seungyoun says out of breathe. "Don't you think I know that? I just like looking at myself" he says snatching the mirror. "You on the other hand could use some work". Seungyoun grabs his chest with a hurt expression forming on his face.

"Is The married couple done arguing" someone says from outside the classroom. "We are not married and what now Seungwoo."

Seungwoo now enters the room. Seungyoun doesn't hesitate to run and jump on him.

"SEUNGWOO" he yells as the both fall onto the floor."OUCH, what was that for? He asked in pain. "I missed you!" "But you just saw me before in the dorm" They both get up and head towards Wooseok.

"You act just like a dog" Wooseok mumbles. "What was that?" Seungyoun asks with a serious tone. "Nothing lets go!" says immediately caught he off guard by the suddenly tone change.

They all exit the room with Seungwoo being the last one because he had to cleanse up the mess left by the last two. Whilst walking and texting down the hallway, which seemed it never ended, he bumps into someone.

"Ouch" the young boy said in pain. Seungwoo looks down to a boy. He seemed to young to be in high school. "Hey are you lost little one?" he asked while reaching his hand out. The boy gladly took his hand to get up.

"Hi I'm Son Dongpyo, today is my first day here. I'm kind of looking for the office, can you help me?"

Wow he is in high school and looks so young and cute,

"Oh of course" he smirks. A great big smile appears on Dongpyo's face I must be his friend.

5 minutes later....

"Okay here we are" Seungwoo exclaimed as he opened the door. "Thank you so much...." "oh my bad how rude of me, My name is Han Seungwoo" he replies.

"Wait! THE Han Seungwoo like the son of Zeus, Han Seungwoo?"he asked shocked. "Wow, didn't think I was famous" he chuckled. "But yes that's me, plus I have biology so I have to go. See you later Pyo". "Bye"

Dongpyo says as he waves to the running boy. He's nice..wait did he just call me Pyo

Dongpyo enters the office and sits next to a boy while waiting for the principle.

"Are you new here too?" the boy asks. "Yes" he replied giving a small smile. "I'm Kim Yohan, what's your name?" "Son Dongpyo" Yohan smiles, "that's a pretty name, did your mother give it to you?"
"No surprisingly, my father named me" he replies. "That's cool, my dad is a butt head" they both laugh.

The two boys got along very well. They had many things in common like dancing and singing. Yohan could even rap a little bit. Their conversation came to an end once the principle arrived.

"Hello Boys, sorry it took me so long, Welcome to X1! High" the principal stay enthusiastically. The both bow.

"I am Lee Dongwook, your principal. I hope you have a great time here" he assures them. Yohan nods.

"Are you two already acquainted?" He asked.

"Yes" they both say in unison. "Perfect because you'll be roommates" the principal claps.

Dongpyo & Yohan look at each other excitedly and begin jumping up and down.

"Since today is your first day here, i'll let you skip classes and settle in. "Remember this is the only time you'll skip...use it wisely." He says with a smile.

"Now onward to the dorms" he walks away. The boys quickly grabs their things and hurriedly follow him.

It literally took 7 minutes to reach the dorm, this school is really big.

They finally reach the building's foyer. The walls were painted an eggshell white with glittery gold stripes. A giant chandelier hung from the center of the room. More like it was floating.

"DAEBOK" Yohan says with a wide mouth.

"Better close that mouth before something flies in." Dongpyo says jokingly. "You're not my dad"
"I clearly am" they both laugh.

"You two get along better than I thought" the principal says handing them keys. "Now here is your keys, your room number is 101. If there are any problems, come to me. Class starts at 8am tomorrow so don't be late!" The boys nod in agreement & the principal goes back to his office.

"I CALL DIBS ON TOP BUNK" Yohan screams as he runs into the room.

"YOU WISH COWARD" Dongpyo screams running in after him.

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