At the classroom

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We arrived at the high school gate. I saw my best friend (bestie) tiffney Crowley standing near the gate till I arrive and her cute short hair was blowing in the morning wind. She came near to our car waving at us, "oh my dear friend Riya I missed you so much" that's what she said and she hugged me so tightly that I couldn't even breathe properly and said "hi" to my mum as she went. I said tiffy (That's her nickname given by me and the most funniest thing is that she wasn't able to give me a nickname because my name is too short so she couldn't figure it out and at once came with a weird name combining Riya+Camden=RiCam. Hahaha...,what am I a new camera app or something.)that I missed her too and was waiting till the school begins to meet her.

We went to our classroom hall way, first of all we gave the camera to a junior student and took a photo of us

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We went to our classroom hall way, first of all we gave the camera to a junior student and took a photo of us. After we went to our classroom,what I saw as soon as I entered with tiffy was the lovely dovely couples talking and laughing,only one or two girls and boys were sitting on their desks watching those couples. Tiffy's boyfriend was also waiting at the conner of the classroom to meet her. I told tiffy to go and meet her boyfriend so she went rushing towards him, his name is Kenny who studies computer science and he is not on our class but the next to ours. Talking about my surrounding which is full of couples loving and hugging makes me feel sorry and frustrated about myself,like I wish if I had a boyfriend too. Ooo,what is that sound!!!it's the weirdo and my biggest enemy Jessica Hardy coming with a gang of boys running towards her so she closed the classroom door very hard making a huge sound. Later the class's teacher Mrs.Anne opened the door and came inside to distribute the order of seats. I am so lucky that I got the seat next to Tiffy's. In the second semester I was sitting next to Jessica the devil (name given by me and Tiffy) bearing every cruel things she did and said like putting glue on my chair. I am so glad that her seat is at the corner this time with the most disgusting boy in our class who is always chewing bubble gum and pasting it in his partner's desk or seat. (Hahahahaha) We had the interval after sketching class (*means drawing the bodies of models) you know,that my dream is to become a top fashion designer like my mum.Tiffy had another class when I had sketching I think it's English because her dream is to become a world famous anchor. I went to the cafeteria with Tiffy, there we saw Kenny sitting with his food tray waiting for us,we selected our food at the counter then carry it on a tray to the table where Kenny is. We had our lunch while talking gossip spreading around the high school. It's really fun and I enjoyed eating with my friends. Kenny is really a nice guy and Tiffy is so lucky to have such a loving and caring boyfriend. I am so jealous. "Hey Riya why don't you try dating a guy from school and there are lots of good guys in our school" said Kenny suddenly. :Yeah,go on and hit (literally ) with a guy sweetie" said Tiffy. Yeah, OK I will try was the only answer I had on my mind when they asked those questions from me. What am I an idiot, I thought myself that however in this last semester I am going to find a boyfriend no matter what but what am I doing right now instead of trying I used to become my old quite self again. "No Riya don't be down we'll help you find one. let's start tomorrow and I will send you few names of the guys I prefer for you,who are supper hot and handsome via insta,ok girl so cheer up"said Tiffy. The interval is over and we all had home science which is a compulsory subject to all the high schoolers for two periods before the school ends. The home science teacher Mr.Wilson gave each and every one of us a group project and the deadline was on the next Friday, however we are having a week to complete it. I was appointed as the leader by my group members according to Mr.Wilson's instructions. The members in my group are Tiffy, Kelvin and Sofia.The topic we received for the project by Mr.Wilson is about "How to prevent food poisoning", it was a long topic so we fixed this Thursday to meet and discuss about it at my home. Tiffy told Sofia and Kelvin to find information about food poisoning so that we can start the project work without any delays. And with the project work the last bell that means the school is over for the day and finally we can go home. I waited at the gate with Tiffy until mum cones to pick me up, Kenny too came to us, gave a good bye kiss to Tiffy and ran saying "good bye girls,see you tomorrow. "At the same time my mum and Tiffy's older brother Hans came to pick us so we said good bye to each other and went home.

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