chapter one

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  hey! I really, really need a cover for this book, if anyone could help me out and make one I'd be really appreciative, I'll leave credits in the description and all x

"Are you planning on going anywhere tonight, Paul?"

   Jim asked, leaning against the door frame as he awaited his sons reply. Who was at that current time sat at the piano. His lean, fingers dancing across the keys. Playing a piano version of some song he'd heard bridget bardott sing. He had been to the pictures to see a new film starring the actress the previous night. He took a moment to stop playing and looked at his father.

   "Yes, band practice with john 'n' that later"

  Paul's pov

  I saw my dad noticeably grimace at the mention of John. Ever since he had come to stay the night smelling of nothing but alcohol, cigs and pure adrenaline, my dad hadn't been to keen on my Auburn haired friend. At first he had tired a few attempts 'putting his foot down' to keep me from seeing this new boy I was 'infatuated' with (as he put it). But nothing worked and he eventually gave up. Now only making the odd comment about his disapproval.
   I took no notice though - john was my mate after all and I wasn't like i could up to him all "my dad says I ain't allowed to talk to you" without having some sort of death wish on any chance of shagging I had in the future. It just wasn't something I could, or wanted to do, really.
   Me and John had decided to meet at his house earlier so we could have more time to write and talk, a good idea seeing as it had been almost a week since I had seen him last. Normally we'd go no longer than a few days without the others company but following a trip to Scotland for wedding, the usual schedule had been disrupted.

   I continued to play an assortment of songs and jingles until I got bored and decided to go round to John's house earlier then scheduled. it wasn't at all unusual for either me, John, George or any of our other mates to just show up when they pleased so I didn't think much of it. Dropping by an hour or so earlier would only give us more time to write and chat. It would give me a chance to complain about how insufferable my Scottish cousins are and it would give John some 'relief' as he called it, from mimi. Although I think he secretly did enjoy her company. Dispute how out of character it would be for him to enjoy an evening of reading and talking.

   pushing the stool out and standing up I casually strode over to the hall to get my boots. They were the same warn, healed boots John wore, albeit a size or two smaller. My plans to leave were temporarily put on hold as I couldn't find the spare ducking key me and Michael had to share- dickhead. But I eventually found it on the mantel and managed to swiftly leave the house not long after.

   John's house was always something me and the other lads marveled at. It was quite a deal bigger, and nicer, than mine or the other lads council owned homes. Making it the main location for band practice as the smaller, cramped and shared bedrooms we had in,our houses wasn't ideal for five lads to get any productive band practice done in. Mimi was often out in Blackpool too, nowadays, allowing us  be that much louder. Although when she was actually at home it was rare to get through a session without being told to keep the noise down at least a few times.

   As I approached the house I took a moment to fix my greased hair while I knew he couldn't see me. Not that I expected him to be looking out the window - but you never know, John was a weird guy.
   His hair was always something to envy. Somehow that bastard always managed to have it perfectly up right. Not to mention the colour of it made it stand out more. My almost black hair just made anything I tried to do just blend into itself and look like a heap of shit. He also suited the scruffy look, half way through performances he would run his hands through his hair or shake his head and it would never fail to look ridiculously handsome despite him not even trying. Something I couldn't pull of

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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