Gen x Girlfriend Reader : Part 3

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Ukyo : My targets have gathered. It's my lucky day. Now, what will you do ?

Senku was the enemy of the Empire, Tsukasa's enemy. It was not a secret that Taiju and Yuzuriha were friends with the scientist, but despite this fact, they were allowed to stay.

After Senku's "death", Taiju and Yuzuriha had no other choice but to join Tsukasa in order to survive in the Stone World. This was the official version of the story. But Senku was alive and it was hard to simulate a constant state of grief, that is why Taiju and Yuzuriha's plan was to play it by ear and only go in their "sad mode" if Senku was mentioned.

Gen : Yuzuriha-chan, did you say..."Senku" ?

_______ : She totally said it.

Seeing the opportunity to gather informations on his mission's target, Gen was waiting for Yuzuriha's answer.

Yuzuriha : I made a mistake, I have to correct it.

Yuzuriha reached for Taiju's hand. Her eyes widened as she remembered her friend. She tried to summon the emotions she felt when she actually thought without the shadow of a doubt that Senku was dead. The feeling of hopelessness as she watched Tsukasa brutally executing him. The guilt of being the hostage Senku sacrificed himself for. The pain in Taiju's voice as he cried with her. The despair, the regrets, the sorrow, she remembered it vividly. Tears were flowing down her cheeks before she even knew it, it was good enough.

Taiju : Uh ? What's wrong, Yuzuriha !?

Yuzuriha burst into tears as Taiju held her, she hid her face in his chest and sobbed. 

Taiju : Ah... I know, it's still too soon to talk about Senku... 

Taiju looked at Gen and _______ with a serious expression.

Taiju : Sorry, we're still not...over it. I mean, the fact that our friend Senku is...

Gen : I... I see... Well, I guess it would be insensitive of me to force you if you don't want to talk about it. I was just asking because I've heard his name before, I didn't mean to be rude. 

Taiju : No, it's okay. I'm the one who indirectly brought up Senku. 

Gen had a frustrated smile on his face. He knew that pulling out now was the wise thing to do. As much as he wanted to get informations out of Taiju and Yuzuriha, or even better, potentially trick them into revealing that Senku is alive, it was impossible in these conditions. _______ was looking at the crying Yuzuriha with suspicious eyes, Ukyo was not missing a second of the spectacle and was actually grinning.

Ukyo : You lost your chance, Gen. Whether she's actually crying or not doesn't matter, you'll be the bad guy if you force them to talk about Senku right now. Even a great mentalist like you is powerless in front of a crying woman.

_______ : So you don't want to talk... Very well. In that case, I'll join your game, Yuzuriha. 

_______ grabbed Gen's arm, she looked concerned.

Gen : _______-chan, what's wrong ?

_______ : From what I understood, Taiju and Yuzuriha's friend suffered a tragic fate. This is scary... Gen, since you're leaving tomorrow to accomplish the mission Tsukasa gave you, I was thinking that maybe... 

Gen : What is it, _______-chan ?

_______ : Taiju, Yuzuriha, if you don't mind, could I stay with you until Gen's return ? He has to go on a very important mission for Tsukasa. He can't even tell me what this job is about so I'm really worried. But even if I can't help Gen, I would feel better if you two stayed with me during his absence. It would put his mind at ease and allow him to focus on what he has to do. Also, I want to become friends with you. I won't feel alone if we're friends, and I kind of miss having another girl around.

Gen : _______-chan...

Ukyo : She lied. She knows what his mission is. What is she thinking ?

Yuzuriha : Even _______ doesn't know... It must be really serious. If Tsukasa gave Gen such an important mission... The only thing I can think about is...

Yuzuriha started to calm down, she wiped the tears off her face and smiled. Even if she was wary of Gen, she felt that _______ was a trustworthy girl. 

Yuzuriha : That's...a great idea ! _______, let's become friends right now. 

_______ : Really ?! Well that was easy. What a naive little princess... Then, I'll be counting on you from now on.

Gen looked at Taiju.

Gen : So ? Do you accept to stay with _______-chan ? My mission should only last a few days. I could even be back the next day if everything works out perfectly. 

Taiju : Of course ! It will be like babysitting !

_______ : I'm not a baby ! Think of it like me temporarily joining your party. Oh, but don't misunderstand, I'd like to stay friends with you even after Gen's return.

Taiju : Don't worry, _______. Gen, we'll take care of her with everything we've got. But in exchange...

Gen : Here it comes...

Taiju : You have to become our friend too, Gen.

Gen : Eh ? Is that his price ? How innocent can this guy be ?

Obviously, the mentalist accepted Taiju's offer. 

Gen : _______-chan, we have two new friends now. It's weird, right? Back in the old world it was always just the two of us. But now I'll be able to leave reassured. 

As _______ kept talking to her new friends, Gen was connecting the dots of this situation in his mind. Senku... This man had the potential of being a door to a better life for _______. If this was really the case, then it was more than worth it to take a few risks in order to find him. If Senku was alive, becoming friends with Taiju and Yuzuriha was like a ticket to the promise land. Deep down, Gen was already convinced that the genius scientist was somewhere, living and breathing, plotting something to destroy Tsukasa's reign of terror. He had to find him and talk to him.

The day ended peacefully. 

And the next day, early in the morning...

Gen : Well, I'll be going now, _______-chan. 

_______ wrapped her arms around Gen's neck. She wanted to tell him "have a good day at work", but it was not so simple. Instead, she looked at him and smiled.

_______ : Come back as soon as possible. I'll have a surprise for you.

Taiju and Yuzuriha were looking at the two lovers. They were a few meters away and didn't notice _______ whispering in Gen's ear. His eyes widened and _______ smirked.

Gen : Then... I'm looking forward to it. You're a hell of a motivator, _______-chan... Who taught you all of this ?

_______ : Hehe... I'm a mentalist too... In my own way...

The two shared a kiss. _______ didn't want to let go, neither did Gen. After a moment that seemed like a peaceful eternity, Gen finally pulled away. 

Gen : See you in a few days. 

With a confident smile on his face, Gen turned around and started running.

_______ : Do what you have to do Gen, I'll get the most out of my time with Taiju and Yuzuriha, and if you think that joining Senku is the best thing to do, then...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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