Scowling I made my way to where my bike helmet hung by the side door, fixing it to my head.

"How're you heading to school? I doubt you can ride my handlebars, you'll end up tipping the bike." I told her, pushing the door open knowing she'd follow me. Squinting at the sky I hazarded a guess as to whether or not to grab a raincoat as April responded.

"Very funny, Bow-Bow. And believe it or not, Thomas is driving me to school."

I gaped at her. "Why the hell do you get a ride to school? I'm far more deserving."

"You have a bike. Use it." She huffed back, going so far as to stick out her tongue, turning to storm back inside.

"Asshole," I mumbled at her retreating form, watching until the flared ends of her pajama pants disappeared before pulling my bike up from the grass. The chain creaked when I pushed off the sidewalk, making me wonder if all the rain had done some serious damage. Either way I made it to school in one piece.

Crouching down by the school's bike rack I ran a hand along the chain, frowning at the rust that decorated my palm after. Unable to do much I made a mental note to bring up the issue with Dad and started to secure the bike, though if someone were to steal the thing I wouldn't have cried over it.

Looping the chain I glanced up at the sound of my name being called from across the main field. Squinting I made out the figure of the last person I wanted to see. Ever.


Pausing to catch her breath, Jessica flashed me a smile that did little to kill the dread building in my stomach. Glowing as always she dropped to her knees on the grass, searching through her bag while offering me a wide-tooth grin. I offered a mental condolence to her white shorts, truly being mascaraed against the wet grass that she seemed to pay no mind, the lean muscles of her toned legs relaxed.

"You're a hard guy to track down, Beau. I had to follow the whispering to find you," she said, chuckling to herself while I turned red. Sometimes I forgot the very real neon sign that stood above my head, bellowing "FUTURE CONVICT... AND BROTHER OF THOMAS MINDERS".

"People never forget, huh," I muttered, gazing across the parking lot behind me and making out Barkers' Prius. I shuddered at the mere memory of that night and forced my gaze back to Jessica who held a slightly rumpled cupcake in her hands.

"What's this?"

"For your birthday, silly." she scoffed, prompting me to take the thing. I knew she most likely didn't poison it, but I hadn't been the kindest to Jessica, and given the fact I made out with her boyfriend less than a week ago I couldn't stop the guilt that filled me at the mere idea of taking her gift.

"You didn't have to do that," I told her, earnest.

Jessica rolled her eyes, standing up so gracefully I almost wanted to push her over just to watch her do it again.

"It's co-gifted. Clark's out sick today and I know you're his 'Number One'... Plus, it's tradition to have cake on your birthday, so take it," she said, waving the thing in my face until I stood up and plucked it from her grip.

"It's Tony's recipe. Well his mom's, technically. She owns the bakery down on Pint Street." she added when I studied the thing curiously. It was red velvet, my least favourite flavor, so I made a note to pawn the thing off to Tommo when I saw him.

"Never been there," I answered when the silence stretched too long and Jessica's smile had turned painful. "Thanks."

"Happy birthday, Beau," she said, tone softer, and I startled when she laid a hand on my forearm. "I hope to see you later on, it's been a while since we caught up."

Prince Charmings (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now