"A child would respond back with an equally weak insult but I'm taking the high road," I told him before collecting myself with a sigh. "Look, man, I'm sorry for being an asshole earlier. It's just... I really don't see the big issue here. It's one kiss–"

"Multiple times,"

"– one kiss, multiple times, whatever. But it's only like a fraction of the play man. People are going to be too busy laughing at Astrid's inability to get her lines right to care about a gay plot twist. Plus you being mad at me stopped being fun a long time ago. And Tommo misses you, his number one fan, and wants you to do my biology homework for me again and shit."

"Sounds more like you just miss the way I helped you out. I'm sure Tommo is surviving," he said, laying back and immediately shooting forward. I cast a look behind him and saw his shirt was stained orange.

"Don't say anything,"

"I wasn't going to,"

"Yes you were, you're a shit-stirrer, with or without Clark I'm starting to notice." he huffed, a smile breaking across his mouth and he pulled the fabric of his shirt away from his back. "What you did in the store was cute, but dragging Gillian to do your dirty work is what pissed me off. You can't do that shit man. She's a sweet girl, who wants to make everyone happy, and you exploited that, that's why I was pissed at you. I was going to say yes, by the way, you have a way of wearing people down, Beau."

"You think I'm cute?"

"I think what you did was cute. You're an asshole." Spencer pointed out.

"I'll take that, so long as it means we're friends again,"

"We're friends, Beau," Spencer sighed, pulling his shirt over his head and assessing the damage. It wasn't anything a couple cycles in the washing machine couldn't take out, and the spray paint was light enough that the green plaid of his shirt mainly hid it. Instead of putting it back on Spencer balled it up and shoved it in the bottom of his bag, resigned to wear the long-sleeved shirt he had on under it.

"You're honestly too nice, Spencer. Anyone else I know would've beat my ass into the ground if I pulled that shit on them."

"I think you need to rethink the people you keep around you then," Spencer frowned, glancing at me. "I may still be mad, but I know you're worth forgiving, even when you're being selfish, Beau."

I thought about what he said for a while after that. It was during rehearsal that I spoke up though, pulling Spencer to the side as Bella helped Astrid untangle her skirt ties from her boot laces. Bella hadn't even reacted when we turned up, apparently, Spencer had informed her he was back and ready to be humiliated if it meant she would move on with her life.

"What is it?" Spencer asked, dropping to a knee to tighten his own laces.

"I wanted to talk about the kiss," I said and Spencer stilled.


"Let's not do it until the show actually starts," I cut in and he looked up.

"What d'you mean?"

"Lesser of two evils. We don't kiss during rehearsals, just on the nights we actually have an audience that isn't Kyle and his camcorder," I offered. "Gives you a couple weeks to get on top of your dental hygiene."

"I'll have you know I have wonderful teeth," he said, stand up and grinning widely. I actually blinked back at how nice his smile was.

"Spencer, I need you to pull back the curtains. I'm too short to reach them," Bella called from the stage. Dropping the grin Spencer rolled his eyes, making his way to the wings where she apparently needed him.

Prince Charmings (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now