He stood behind her holding her waist and kissing her neck, "I love you so much and I cant imagine my life without you in it.....", he walked to her side and turned her to face him taking both her hands in his, "....before you I never thought I would want to settle down and have a family and I hate to bring her into this but Diane only made me want to get away from her"

She laughed a bit and he followed suit before continuing, "....with you even just going to the bathroom is too much seperation for me.....cheesy I know, I know.....", he quickly said when she rolled her eyes, ".....you are my future Tess.....this...", he put his hands on her belly and lay his forehead against hers, ".....this is my future, I want us to spend the rest of our lives together, have more kids"

"Ugh.....let's talk about that WAY in the future", she leaned back and smiled at him putting her hands over his, "....but I feel the same way....I never want to go another moment in life without this feeling"

He nodded and sighed in relief when she voiced her feelings

"Did you doubt the feelings I had? "

"Well it's just under the circumstances...."

"What? The baby?"

"Not exactly"

She frowned as he stood back taking her hands again, when he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a black velvet box she gasped and threw her hand over her mouth. He knelt down on one knee opening the box and revealing the most beautiful ring she's ever seen, simple yet beautiful.

 He knelt down on one knee opening the box and revealing the most beautiful ring she's ever seen, simple yet beautiful

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"We're kind of doing everything backwards here...", he chuckled, "....and I know you're not that fond of marraige but as I kneel before you today mi amor....I swear on my life that I will spend the rest of her life showing you how much you mean to me, telling you every day how gorgeous you are and making sure you never have to struggle again.....and most importantly you can trust that I will be faithful to you till death and beyond"

She felt the tears tickle her cheeks but she didn't do anything to stop them, unlike when Vince had proposed to her all those years ago she now felt a tingling feeling in her stomach. Back then she was young and stupid thinking she was in love but now she knew for the first time what that actually felt like

"Tess....", she was ripped from her thoughts as she looked down at him in anticipation, "
...will you marry me?"

Such a simple question yet it held so much meaning, she closed her eyes and took her hands out of his momentarily rubbing her belly before cupping his face and urging him to stand which he did, when he was eye level with her she leaned forward and kissed him, kissed him like she'd never kissed him before

When she pulled back parting them with a loud smack, "Yes...."

"Yes?....", he asked scared he misheard her since his heart was pounding so loud he could hardly hear himself speaking

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