~ S A K Y O ~

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Today was the day, you thought to yourself. You made sure you had your deck of cards with you and quickly made your way to the living room of the MANKAI Theaater.

Today was the day that you were finally going to beat Sakyo. You had taken a lot of pointers from all the other members of the Autumn Troupe and even Itaru who was normally more skilled in video games rather than card games.

You opened the door, and in the room sat some of the members of the Autumn Troupe but your eyes immediately landed on Sakyo who was giving you a slight smile.

"Glad to see you, [Y/N]. Ready to accept defeat again?" He asked and you inwardly grinned. You made sure to keep it a secret that you were getting training from the others and you were more than prepared...to win that is.

At first, you just wanted to get a free lunch out of others so you had started playing this game with everyone and you had beaten everyone so far except for Sakyo. You didn't understand how he was so good at the game. It was incredible! He didn't know how to play at all when you first taught him and now it was as if he turned this game into his own.

"Good luck, [Y/N]. I'm rooting for ya!" Taichi said and patted you on your back. You smiled and thanked him and took the seat next to Sakyo on the sofa.

You held up the two cards in front of Sakyo and with that the game had begun. The objective was simple, guess which card is the ace.

Usually it's just a fun and simple game to enjoy, but in this case there were some pretty high stakes since knowing of Sakyo's intelligence, he basically had the keen sense of a dog when it came to things like this.

If you won he had to treat you to lunch but if he won...he didn't specify. Sakyo didn't seem to be the type to ask for something drastic so that calmed your nerves a little but that could also mean that he had no intentions on losing. You watched as Sakyo had observed your face. You refused to show any emotion to which Sakyo had honestly found very amusing.

Sakyo lifted his hand and let it hover over each of the cards, making sure to watch your face for any signs. However, he was impressed that you had managed to keep a straight face. You were the type of person who wore their heart on their sleeve and was as open as a book.

However, that thought was quickly tossed out the window when he placed his hand on one of the cards and your eyebrow twitched.

'Too easy' he thought.

An unusual feeling of playfulness had suddenly risen in Sakyo, and he found himself pretending to go for the wrong card.

'This is it! All my training is paying off!' You squealed in your head as you watched Sakyo's hand with extreme anticipation. You were finally going to win!

That thought was quickly shattered and your eyes widened as Sakyo had quickly and mercilessly grabbed the ace card out of your hand and you were left speechless.

"H-How...? I-I..." you didn't understand what went wrong. You had did everything the guys told you...

"Oooh...." Omi whispered and watched as you basically turned to stone right there on the couch and Sakyo just chuckled.

"You did very well" Sakyo said and despite the compliment, you just dropped the remaining card that was in your hand. You watched as it dropped to the ground and the feeling of wanting to crawl into a hole had never been stronger in your entire life.

"[Y/N]? Hey! Stay with us!"

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