||3|| Sweet Understanding🎶😊

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"Wait- what are you guys going to do while I'm gone?" I asked

"I invited a few people over for a sleepover." Angie said with a smirk

"Who?" Peggy asked with curiousness.

"Can we invite Heather Mac!" Peggy asked

"No. I am not inviting the Heathers! You know how they are." Angie said with a stern voice.

Not Heather Chandler, or that mega bitch Heather Duke. I just want to invite Heather Mac. Just give her a chance.

" Fine, I already invited Laff, Maria Lewis, Herc, Burr, Theodosia, and Tommy-"

"Wait since when do you call Thomas, Tommy?"

"Anyway, I wasn't finished. Wait- who else did I invite?" Angelica wondered

"Didn't you invite Johnnnnn-" I said I watched Peggy's face turn a bright shade of red.

"Oh yeah I did. Oooo" Angelica said teasing.

"Well fuck it I'm going to my room." Peggy stated as she ran to her room.

"Well, I better be going. Martha's going to be here with Alex any minute." I said walking out the door.

Just as I walked out the door, Martha pulled up with Alex in the car. This day couldn't get any better!

"Hey Eliza!" Alexander said waving at me.
"Hi Martha! Hi Alexander!" I replied

"Soooo where are we going?" I asked Alex.

"Well, you know the county fair in Weehawken? It has a lot to do and I thought we could go there!"

Omg I really wanted to go there! We're going to have an amazing time!

"Yea! I also got you a little something."

He gave me a beautiful blue tote bag with lace handles. The one from NYCTRENDY I've always wanted.

"Look inside." He said with his cheeks all red and this adorable smile.

I looked inside and found a huge light blue blanket. The color matched my dress exactly.

"I got the blanket so we can sit on it while we watch the fireworks show." Alex stated. I immediately gave him a big hug.

"So what do you wanna listen to?" I asked

"MIRANDA AN AMERICAN MUSICAL!" We both screamed at the same time.

We listened to Miranda until we got there. It was only a 20 minute drive. We looked out the window and saw all these rides and carnival games. I noticed this light blue teddy bear that looked as if it was taller then me. There was also a sign that said " Magnificent Firework show at 10:00pm"

"It's 5 now so I'll pick you guys up at 10:45! Have fun and stay safe you little lovebirds." Martha said which made Alex and I blush.

Alex and I got out of the car and went to the ticket booth to purchase tickets.

"How many should we get?" Alexander asked

"Well there's 45 carnival games and 24 rides and we're going to wanna do a lot of stuff multiple times so we should get 100."

We ended up get 150 tickets. We went on all the rides and played some of the games. It's surprise how fast time goes by when your having fun. I was just thinking about everything when suddenly Alex screamed.

"Alexander? Are you ok?" I asked, extremely worried."

"Yea,but look at that bike." He said. Drool was almost coming out of his mouth.

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