Chapter 1

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Down in Romania where the dragons have come to call home, was a small school made for witches and wizards to study the fascinating species. The school was not as grand as Hogwarts or as delicate as the Beauxbatons. However it serves its purpose as an excellent place for learning and was even seen as more of a college to most. As one does being in such a quaint setting, almost everyone on campus knew each other as well as the dragons. Allowing for more of a familiar bond to form between everyone from the guests to even the Headmaster. 

Excitement was buzzing in the air and everyone waited for the arrival of two newborns. One would be a promising wizard and heir to the current headmaster Desmond Dragonheart. The other would be a dragon just about to burst from its egg shell and come into the world. Currently the headmaster was running to the hospital carrying a large oval shaped object wrapped in a cloth. Many wizards and witches greeted him as he ran by. It was amusing to see someone like their headmaster be late for something as important as his wife's pregnancy. As powerful and smart a wizard as he was, he was not exempt from being late quite often. 

Desmond barged into the hospital immediately handing what was in his arms safely into the arms of another wizards.
"It's about to hatch put it in the explosion room." Desmond said hurriedly as he rushed off to see his soon to be born son. 

Dragon eggs more than likely blew up when they hatched so they had a special room to take the damage. This process was done naturally until wizards realized the danger of an unbothered time bomb simply lying around. Dragons were not like birds. While they were protective of their eggs they did not sit on them. Simply watching over them protectively, from a distance. No one wants to sit on a bomb not knowing when it's gonna blow after all. Once the egg was produced it stayed there untouched until it hatched.

Desmond rushed into a room to see his wife, clearly not having the best day of her life, while doctors busied themselves around the room.

"Am I too late?" Desmond asked out of breath.

"Get over here and hold my hand!" His wife screamed in pain and slight annoyance.

Desmond rushed over to her side only for his hand to get crushed immediately after coming into contact with her.

"Okay Leodora, I need you to push." The doctor said as Leodora let out a blood curdling scream, practically squashing her husbands hand in the process.

Soon her screams came to an end and her eyes met with the eyes of her baby boys. Leodora held the child close to her heart knowing the pain had been worth it.


"Looks like my little Demetry is as quiet as his dad." She said as she realized that the baby wasn't crying.

"Yeah And he's a week late too. Definitely a Dragonheart." Desmond smiled as Leodora rolled her eyes in slight annoyance.

Her husband was always late for something but he never missed anything important. It was one of the reasons why she loved him. He may be late but he'd always be there.

"I'll be right back," Desmond said as he quickly left the room.

"Where could you possibly be going?"

"Don't worry, you'll see."

Desmond came back not even five minutes later with the fetus of a dragon in his arms.

"You've got to be kidding me." Leodora said as she saw her husband walk in with something that could very well kill her newborn child.

"Don't worry, he's tame."

"He's a Hungarian Horntail!"

"He'll protect our son."

Demetry Dragonheart The Wizard Book 1Where stories live. Discover now