A/N : Important. Please read.

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Before you start reading the OS, there are some things I would like to say.

-This story contains a sensitive matter regarding female foeticide. By no means I  support this heinous crime . All genders are equal. No-one should discriminate amongst them. And those who do these crimes should be severely punished. 

-The decision of a certain character in this story might make you feel disturbed and unsatisfied. Again, that is not in the intention of hurting anybody. It's just that sometimes, all we want is to let go of the past and never look back. But I still stand by my words of punishing those who commit the above mentioned crime.

-I have no intentions of hurting anybody's sentiments. 

-The story doesn't contain any mature theme but it could trigger trauma to those who has gone through the situations mentioned in the story. So please, read further at your own risk.

-All the characters, situations, dialogues are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real persons, dead or alive, or other real-life entities, past or present, is purely coincidental.

Now, after reading all of this, if you still want to read on my OS then go ahead. Nothing would make me happier than people reading my work. 

And those who decided to not read my OS, I understand and respect your decision. 

To everyone, have a very happy life and never give up on life.

Happy reading! 

ArShi OS - Zindagi Kaisi PaheliWhere stories live. Discover now