Chapter 6: Sakura's Secret and Tokyo Skytree

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"Hey, Mrs. Lee, are you done yet?" Sakura crossed her arms while grinning but the moment she saw Chaeyeon who just got out of the bathroom, she couldn't help but freeze.

"I'm almost done. Just a min— Wait, what's wrong?" Chaeyeon got alarmed when Sakura was suddenly sent into a coughing fit. She ran towards the girl to pat her back, trying to soothe her.

Well yeah, although the person in front of Sakura was wearing a simple black skinny jeans, her top, a white dress shirt, was only buttoned up to her stomach, slightly revealing the milky white skin of her chest and her black lace brassiere. She was also just coincidentally running her hands through her silvery locks before facing the astonished Sakura... probably, the older girl was imagining things but... maybe it was because she's pregnant... yeah... probably... everything was moving slowly that time.

"Are you okay?"

No, I'm not!

Sakura wanted to scream so bad especially when Chaeyeon slouched down to let their eyes meet... which ended up with the older girl's eyes almost bulging out of their sockets.

"C-can you please finish buttoning up your shirt first?" Sakura could feel her face burning. She's aware that she's as red as anything red out there but she can't help it. That was the most dangerous thing to ever exist.

"...oh." Chaeyeon blushed. "My bad."

Goddarned pregnancy hormones.

The older girl could only curse in her mind and recite a mantra to calm herself down.

"Wait a bit, I'll go make a call to Minjoo." Sakura firmly said before marching towards their bedroom.

She dialed her gynecologist's number in a hurry while biting her thumb from restlessness.

[Hello, Sakura-unnie?] Minjoo's gentle voice welcomed her.


The girl on the other line hummed in question.

"CanyoupleasetellChaeyeontostopbeingtoostimulatingbecauseI'mhavingahardtimehere.Iknowyousaidthatthisisnormalespeciallyduringmysecondtrimesterbutpleasehavemercyandwarnyourfiancee'scousin." The older girl is pretty sure that it was the fastest she's ever spoken in her entire life, not even breathing just to finish her words at once.

[W-wait, unnie. Please calm down. I didn't understand what you said.]

Sakura whimpered in frustration. "I said please tell Chaeyeon to be more careful... I'm really having a hard time right now..."

[Huh? Why? What happened?]

"I could see her..."


Sakura took a pillow from their bed to buried her face on just to squeal her hearts out. When she finished, she cleared her throat and continued. "I saw her chest and even h-her a... abs earlier..."

The pregnant woman bit her lower lip in frustration.

The other line was enveloped in silence before a burst of loud laughter echoed in Sakura's ears. [You got aroused by her again? I don't think there's anything new about that.]


[You're still keeping it a secret from Chaeyeon-unnie?] Minjoo giggled.

"I can't just tell her about that, can I..."

[...ah... well, it must have been awkward and embarrassing.]



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