Amy moved one seat closer to Tara and gave her a worried look. Sookie then took a folded piece of paper from her handbag and unfolded it. "Adele Stackhouse was... everything to me. She wasn't just my grandmother. She was... my parent, my teacher, and my best friend."

Sookie then paused as her face turned more upset. Amy realized she was hearing what others thought. "To say she'll be missed... just didn't cut it, 'cause... I can't even imagine a world without her in. She was always there, with a kind word, and a hot meal, and a shoulder to cry on. Not just for me, but..."

Amy frowned deeply as Sookie paused again. Her eyes focused on Uncle Bartlett before she continued again. "For everyone who knew her."

Amy was about to stand up upon seeing Sookie's state but the female telepath suddenly snapped. "Shut up! All of you, just shut the fuck up!"

People started to mumble as Amy stood up but Sookie grabbed her handbag and ran away from the service. Jason stood up and ran after her as Amy turned around to glare at people. Clearly they were thinking about something bad to upset her this much.

"Well... ahem," the minister coughed uncomfortably. "Is there anyone else who'd care to share a few words?"

Everyone stayed quiet as Amy was about to open her mouth but someone else beat her to it. "I got something to say," Lettie Mae, Tara's alcoholic mother, spoke up. The crowd turned to see her as she walked up to the front.

"What is she doin'?" Lafayette mumbled to a shocked Tara as Amy slowly sat down next to her best friend.

Tara stood up and grabbed her mother's arm. "No, momma."

Lettie Mae broke free and continued her way up to the podium. "Oh my fucking God, girl," Lafayette whispered to Amy who frowned. "This is about to get ugly."

The minister stepped aside as Tara's mother approached the podium. She seemed slightly unsteady on her feet. Amy could see the embarrassment in Tara's eyes and only thought how her father, wherever he was, didn't even bother to come back for the funeral even if she informed him. "I didn't know Miss Stackhouse like a lot of you did," she began. "But the few times I did meet her... she was nuttin' but kind to me. She was good, God-fearin' woman. And when I was going through some bad things, my daughter would go stay with her, and I always knew she would be just fine. Adele Stackhouse took care of my baby when I couldn't. And I'll be always grateful for that."

When Tara's mother stepped away from the podium Amy felt distraught. Adele was like a mother to her too because of her estranged father.

The ceremony ended as everyone began to go home. Amy stood by Gran's fresh grave and wiped her tear. Sookie didn't come back to the ceremony and Amy knew it was for the best. She would feel better doing it alone, in her own thoughts.

Jason approached Amy as his jacket was already off. "I... I can take you-you home," he mused as he wiped his sweaty forehead.

Amy glanced up at him before shaking her head. "Come on, are you still mad at me?" he questioned as Amy noticed his shaky hands.

"You look sick," she mused and touched his forehead but Jason quickly pulled away. "What are you on?"

Jason tried to laugh but he looked caught. "Wha-what are you sayin', woman?" he laughed angrily so Amy narrowed her eyes and grabbed his hand before pulling it towards herself.

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