A new beginning

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My name? It's Mc I don't have a last name. I'm 19 turning twenty soon actually in about three months. I have no clue where my parents are or what happened to them. All I remember really is that there was a house on fire and, a boy that saved me where I was inside. As I walked to my favorite window the girls aways love leaving their shit on the bench. I shrug it off most of the time. Once I did fight the girl that left a note saying "only lesbians sit here". I got mad so I hit her. But she ended up with a broken nose and I was fine. But today felt odd I sat down like usual but nothing was there. No note, no clothes, Not even a sex toy! And that was odd I looked out the window resting my head where the locks on the window. I noticed a man step out of a white van you know, the one your aunt or mom warned you about never getting into or take candy from. But as you continue to look he ended up seeing you as he looks up. He had a huge grin on his face as he excitedly waves. You felt weird so your glimpse over your shoulder before waving at him nervously. You even crack a small half-smile. You continue to watch the man as he enters the building. All the girls smile and laugh as I stay in my window. You don't realize the man was beside you. 
He said with a deep voice that was almost soothing to you. As you look over you see a short man, brown hair, & dark brown eyes. If you were to guess he's Koran
I smile politely. And try to say sweetly as you say in your black t-shirt that looks like it's a dress on you. Your black jeans help a little along with the one hair tie you do own. The man looked at you with wonder filling his eyes.
"How old are you?"
"I'm 19"
I say while raising an eyebrow
"Well, this place looks kinda shit. Why don't you come home with me instead?"
He reaches out a hand offering it to help you up. I was hesitant you knew nothing about the guy beside he sounded like a damn demon. I laughed and took his hand.
"It really is"
He helped you up. As you both make your way over to the counter. He puts his arm around your shoulder protectively and asked.
"So you gonna tell me your name?"
I smirk and nod.
"Ya if you tell me yours"
He nods
"I will once we're in the car ok?"
You agreed to the terms and designed to tell him your name.
"My names mc"
"Is that like a nickname? Or shorted version?"
He asked as if he'd never heard of something so short.
"Nooooo it's short for the main character, of course, that's the whole thing"
You laugh as you loved being a smart-ass. But little did you know he loved doing the same thing
"Well excuseeeeee meeeeee miss main"
He smiles as he draws out the ending e's in both excuse and me. Causing you to laugh as you both arrived at the front counter. The lady standing at the counter smiles and political tells you to go gather any personal things after, handing you a bag. It was the size of a standard school backpack black with this weird eye but where ours are white it was green and hand a blue color around the pupil of the eye. You thought it was creepy cool so you took it up packing shirts and jeans into the bag along with beanies of course. You have one other pair of shoes you care about. You take a last look around as you her a photo of you and your parents along with this little boy that saved you. Sadly you don't remember much but you do remember how bad the flames was but he ran into the burning house. You both got outside as an explosion went off knocking you out after that your remember hearing him say in an Irish accent.
"I'll find ya again mc I promise"
You lay the photo into the bag. Two girls came over they were young as you hugged them and kissed their heads telling them to be safe and careful. Then an older girl came over as you glared at her.
"do we have a problem"
She says with a high pitched snarky voice
"yes now leave me alone"
"make me a bitch"
She says as she hits you dead in the eye. You don't do anything about it, but you wanted to kick her ass so you went to the man upset. He asked what happened as you pressed a finger to your lips then using the other to point back at the other girl. The guy was pissed as he going to the lady at the counter showing her your eye. She gasped and went over yelling at the girl as she gave her extra chores you laugh a little under your breath as the man took you out to the car putting the bag and shoes in the trunk and getting in the driver's seat as you jump in the passenger seat. He smiles as he turns up the radio.
"so wanna know my name now?"
You nod in curiosity
He smirks
"my name is Mark"
You laugh hard while holding your stomach you though it would be something like Lenda or Lazlo but Mark? Na
"what's so funny?!?"
He asked confused while trying not to laugh with you.
"your name it's Mark"
You smile as he laughs
"ok ok let's get you home and everything set up little miss emo"
You nod agreeing as you sit back and fall asleep.

A New Bloom حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن