10. "I'm here if you need me"

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“Yeah, I think I made it clear the first time…- Wait where are you going?” I cut half of him off as I got my bag and put it on my shoulder.

“I’m going to find him.”

“Who-…” I heard Serena slap him as he screamed in pain. “Ow! What was that for…” I rolled my eyes as there voice soon started to fade away as I walked further away from them.

Carter you really need to speak to me now!


I walked inside the house as it seemed like no one was hear.

I slowly shut the door and put my jacket on the hooks, as I turned around and screamed.

Maggie was standing in front of as she had one hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow at me, I smiled nervously.

“Tori, what are you doing here so quickly?” she asked.

I was so tempting to roll my eyes and tell her to stop acting like my a real mom when clearly she isn’t and isn’t even engaged to my dad yet.

Lie Tori!

“I…ur….you know….” Maggie squinted her eyes at me, as if trying to figure out if I was lying or not. “I had free period I said in a ‘duh’ tone. I started walking over to the kitchen as I tried to avoiding her eyes. “So where’s dad?” I asked as I took out a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water.

Maggie sighed as if she’s given up. “He’s in an important meeting at the moment. But I came back to get his files.” I nodded, as I threw all the water away in the sink. “But I should be going now, or else it would be no use if I came late.” I smiled.

Maggie was the most loveliest woman, she was around her mid-thirties, she had brown medium hair, she wore a dress that was grey and most often wore heels. I didn’t understand why she needed to anyway. She was already tall, roughly about 5’8. She does have a few wrinkles here and there, she’s getting some grey hair a bit but not too much to worry about, but other than that she’s pretty. No wonder why dad has feelings for her.

“So have you got any plans to see Carter?” my head snapped towards, how did she even know. “Well I spoke to Francesca, Carter’s been having a hard time but I didn’t ask why it wasn’t my business to know.” I know what the reason is, but Carter is avoiding me because of it. “I know that he could use a friend.” She said ‘friend’ clearly.

I nodded, “Right I should be off.” She said grabbing her car keys, not before giving a quick hug, I returned a smile back.

She shut the door on her way out, as I thought about what to say to Carter.

I walked back and forth, figuring out what to say.

“Hey carter, I was wondering why you didn’t show up at school…- No! that’s not good enough.”

I tried again.

“Carter, want to know why you’ve been avoiding me?” I sighed loudly. “No Tori, I don’t want him to think of ways to kill me.”

I bit my lip.

“Carter you haven’t been showing up at school, I just wanted to tell you that there’s an assignment and well were partners.” I shook my head. “No.” by the time he comes to school and finds out that I was lying, no I can’t do that.

I sighed loudly and sat down on the couch.

“Just do it Tori! Say whatever it is on your mind.” I roll my eyes, “Great now I’m talking to myself.”

Walk On The Wild Side [Not Edited]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang