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"Caesar! Go slower!"  exclaims Connor, from the back seat.
"I can't. Because of Darren we are  late and you know that Dylan's mom turns into a witch when we get late!"  Caesar answers, peering into the rearview mirror.
"Hey! It's my mom you're talking about!"says Dylan.
An adorable giggle fills the car's cockpit and I turn myself  to smile at Yue.
As always, we four idiots will wait for the new year at Dylan's house ... But this year there is something new: with us, trapped between Dylan and Connor, there is also Shen Yue.
Dylan has done nothing but talk about her for months and months ... We finally met her and I must say she's really cute!
"Hey, Yue! Do you like riddles?"  Connor asks.
Oh no ... Please ...
"I hate them," she simply replies.
"Thank goodness!"  exclaims Caesar, laughing.
"Ok, so listen here!"
Connor ignores her answer and starts his show.
In spite of everything, Yue laughs like crazy with every Connor joke.
And she doesn't even seem to pretend!
I glance behind me and notice Dylan's face, which has a clenched jaw and a frighteningly serious look.
Is it possible that he's jealous?
Suddenly, his hand searches for Yue's on her knees, and he squeezes her hand.
She gives him a questioning look and he just smiles at her, without letting go of her hand.
Yue returns to talk to Connor.
Wow!  That child is really jealous!

I know I look stupid, but I'm agitated.  I'm really agitated.
I'm about to introduce my family to Shen Yue and ... I don't know, I feel happy and terrified at the same time!  Aaaah!  Take it easy, Wang He Di!  She's not your girlfriend!
Caesar parks the car in the backyard of my parents' house and quickly goes  to pull out Yue's wheelchair from the trunk.
I pick her up and I help her to sit on the chair.
Today she's so beautiful ... She's wearing a pair of tight jeans and a white blouse. Casual, but her shapes make her incredibly attractive even in her simplicity.  For me she's attractive even with her funny pajamas that she wears in the hospital.
"Are you ready?"  I ask her, once we arrive in front of the house door.
She nods with a smile. She seems happy to be here.  I hope my family won't make change her mind ...
"Yueyue, I warn you: Dylan's parents are crazy ..." Connor whispers.
"Yueyue ?! Hey, you've only known her for an hour!"  I complain, outraged.
"But we're already great friends, aren't we?"  he grins, winking at her.
"Almost best friends," she laughs, shaking her head in amusement.
What the hell!
"Boys, let's go! I already sense the demonic aura of your mother, Wang He Di!"  says Darren.
As soon as I open the door...
The fury of my mother lashes out against us, while with a wooden ladle she hits our ass.
After giving vent to her anger, she takes a long breath and looks down at Shen Yue.
"You must be Yue! Oh, my dear! You are beautiful! Wang He Di was right! You are adorable! Oh my God, look at you! I want to squeeze those pink cheeks! Aw! Look at your big eyes! And that little nose! I want to eat you!"
This is so embarrassing!
"Mooooom!"  I complain.
"What's up ?! It's true! She's too beautiful for you, my son! She will never be your girlfriend, I warn you"
Yue blushes and smiles shyly.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Wang," she says, reaching out a hand.
My mother lights up with joy and hugs her tightly.
"Welcome to our home, honey!"  she tells her.
"Sweetheart! Are they arrived ?!"  my father's voice screams from the kitchen.
My mother invites us to come in and join him.
My father is cooking.
When he turns towards us, I notice the drawing of a pink pig triumphing on his red apron.
Oh, daddy...
"Uh! Welcome, guys! And ... OH MY GOD! YOU ARE THE BALLET DANCER! Dylan, my son, I'm sorry, but she's too ..."
"Too beautiful for me. Yes, mommy has already told me. However, she's my friend: Shen Yue".
He also hugs her with affection.
"Come on, go wash your hands! Dinner's coming soon."
I accompany Yue and the boys in the bathroom and when we are all ready, we go sit at the table.
There, sitting in their usual place, we find my two older sisters: Wang Yao and Wang Zi.
They too, between a little scream and another, introduce themselves to Yue.

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