I walk back into my room and close the door behind me. I spent ALL last night hanging up my clothes and placing clothes in my drawers. Man, sometimes I think that I just have too many clothes. Until someone takes me to a mall and I see a million other things I feel would fit into my closet. People would not be able to tell in this past year or so, but I think I need to start back with dressing how I used to. Lately I have been wearing my emotions in my wardrobe. Dark, unappealing outfits that let the world know I did not give a care about what I looked like and who saw. I walk over to my closet and open both doors. It is not a walk-in like my old ones, but any closet is better than no closet.

Although I am trying to snap into my old dress habits, I believe everything should come in baby steps. I pull out a simple black tube dress and a pair of all black vans. Simple, but not completely effortless. When I go to grab some hair products off of my dresser I notice the necklace my parents bought me when I was sixteen. I quickly take the diamond studded S and lock it around my neck. Since they passed, wearing this necklace always makes me feel closer to them. In the past month I have found myself wearing their gift a lot lately, but I have also been reminiscing on when they were still alive more as well.

When I walk back into the bathroom I smile at how the necklace looks fixed around my neck. I touch it softly before I turn my attention to my hair. I put my playlist on my phone on shuffle and start to slowly bob my head to Chance the Rapper's "Juke Jam". A simple puff should work for today. As I said before baby steps. Even though I am dreading living here and going to this school I am still low key excited for my first day. Once I moved in with my grandma in Florida I never imagined I would be back in Chicago, but the thought of surrounding myself with new people gives me comfort. I might not try to make too many friends, but just one possible best friend would be nice.

"Well, don't you look gorgeous. You ready for the first day?" Chasity compliments me as I walk into the kitchen.

"Thanks. Yea. I am kind of looking forward to it but also dreading being the 'new girl'."

"Yea, that is normal. I think you'll enjoy it better than private school though. You hungry?"

"Not really. I'll grab something light to go." I pick up a banana from the middle of the table and grab my purse off the couch. My phone is sitting where I left it in the bathroom and I slide it in the side of my purse. I do an eye scan of my room to make sure there is nothing in there I need and spot my silver hoop earrings by the bed. An essential accessory. I grab them and walk back out towards the door. China and Chasity sing a goodbye to me and I return one before leaving. The bus stop is nowhere from Chasity's apartment and within five minutes I am approaching the bench. When I reach the sign another girl is kind of floating around the bench talking on her phone. She acknowledges me and I smile back then sit down on the side of the bench farthest away from her. The sun is beaming down on our heads and I feel beads of sweat slowly wanting to break free. Maybe I can distract myself from the sun with some music.

While I am digging in my purse I feel another body plop down on the bench. The only other girl out here with me is now off her phone. I keep my gaze down at my phone trying to find the right song.

"So you new around here?" Her voice catches me by surprise and I jump a little.

"Oh nah, I am actually moving back. This is my hometown. I am new to the school though. You a senior too?"

"And proud to be one!" She gives me a huge smile and walks over to shake my hand. "I'm Andie, how about you?"

"Sydney, but you can call me Syd." I reach out and shake her hand back. Without hesitation Andie makes herself comfortable beside me on the bench and I am taken aback by how her abrupt friendliness does not make me uncomfortable. Instantly, I notice how pretty she is. Gorgeous even. She is light skinned with freckles and long reddish-brown hair. Her naturally red hair stands out as much as her personality.

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