Just Keep Breathing

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I can't believe I was next I felt like I was about to faint how can I do this to myself knowing that I'm a really shy person I couldn't breathe at all when I was about to hit the ground I heard b/f yell "just breath yn you got this okay just relax and do what u do best" "ohk I will" We walk out onto the stage "hi everyone my name is yn yln I'm I really big fan of Ariana she is basically my inspiration and role model the is my best friend b/f we actually called Two chicks " when I was done introducing us  I heard the music start I just took a deep breath in and began we it made to the lass verse I lucky hit all the right notes "Thank you" is all the judge said nothing else I thought that's it I had my chance but I blew it I felt the tears but kept them back only to tell myself "Next time, next time" I heard footsteps behind me knowing that it would be b/f "hey girl we  did amazing ok are you ok" "yeah yeah I'm fine don't worry about it k" "ohk if ya say so wanna go to Starbucks I wanna try something new if that's ohk" "yeah let's go" so I had to wait a whole week to hear if I made it. We went to Starbucks we went to order when we heard Cloe say "hi guys can I join" "No" me and b/f said in sync the only reason we said is because is one of to rudest person u have ever met. (sorry about the short chapters still working on it p. s author)

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