That Will Never Happen // Home Alone

Start from the beginning

Speaking of said package, the brunette' horns twitched at the sound of muffled footsteps behind the door. He placed the informative text he was reading down on the table, rose from his seat...

...and stopped when the door handle began shuddering.

It wasn't the Wise Sage. Was it Jake, the human Lord of Land? No, he used protection-nullifying magic to so easily invade their base camp--he wouldn't need to abuse the door.

It was an intruder.

Rhys didn't hesitate. He grabbed his staff, cloaked himself in a spell and stationed by the door without a word. The handle was still rattling but in more concentrated clicks, likely from a lock-pick. Then, a soft unlatching, and suddenly someone stepped in.

Clad in black, the intruder wasted no time, scavenging around the room and making a mess. They pillaged rations from the Ice Door*. They snatched the cleaning prize box. They... Knocked the books off the shelves and into a sack! Compromising knowledge in this unknown world was unforgivable for Rhys. As the intruder inspected the Kitty Kitty Meow Meow Shrine, the Daemos silently weaved back to retrieve the combat guide...

...before he stumbled over Ava's spirit curled up on the floor.

The intruder whipped around when he heard the glasses clatter on the table. Rhys jumped over the couch in retreat whilst he kicked himself for his carelessness. The intruder dropped his sack very not gently to dangle the Wise Sage Oats' fragile gift. Something burned inside his stomach, crumpled his brow in rage.

And when the glasses snapped, so did he.

In one swift motion, he lobbed the combat guide at the intruder's eyes and took out the legs with his staff. "A-Ah, paper cuts!" The human shrieked and he was out the moment his neck hit the table's edge.

Rhys chuckled. Paper cuts, huh?


"Prince Asch, I am thrilled to report a brilliant discovery," his tone was deathly calm as he twirled the combat guide for a chair-bound intruder to whimper at.
"What is it, Rhys?"
"Humans have especially low pain tolerance to injuries inflicted by paper. Observe," the brunette nicked a page against skin to add to the new hostage's many pinprick scars. He was rewarded with a shaky yelp through the gag.

Leif had that mischievous twinkle in his eye. Noi was clapping. Even the royal Daemos seemed impressed. Ava, finished stammering on her communication device to 'the cops', was the opposite of all those things, "Rhys! Here, take these, just stop scaring me...!"

He was handed some new glasses and an ice cream, and all was well again.



If Leif didn't do something about this boredom soon, he was going to torture something--

Ooh, that seemed fun...!

As an adept assassin, he was attuned to the darkness of the world. Manipulative deceit, underhanded tactics, secretive behaviour... He could sense a fellow criminal a dragon's breath away. It takes one to know one, after all.

And one was coming right this way~!

Leif hid his presence with his combat technique and pressed a hand against the wooden floorboards. The vibrations were heavy at the heels and obviously rushed. A male human who wanted a quick in-and-out. No finesse whatsoever. Amateur. They started pick-locking the door with trembling hands.

Ha! He was going to be fun to mess with.

Without warning, Leif ripped open the door and the amateur in black clothes toppled to the ground with the momentum. He then proceeded to open and close said door to mimic an angry spirit. The human's scream was not as masculine as he was expecting.

He got bored and started chucking basic illusion magic at the guy. You know, nightmares and the voices of the damned. The human's pitch only increased. Huh, turns out listening to him beg for mercy was less entertaining than it was annoying. Welp, time to kill him off...

Out of nowhere, Ava's spirit sat between Leif and the pathetic pile of human on the floor.
"What?" the assassin sulked, "Spare him? He was asking to be tortured when he tried to break in here!" He got scolded by a succession of meows.
He moaned, "Fine..."


Ava probably should have expected a shivering unconscious man lying in her living room when she made Leif guard the place, "We were literally gone for half an hour."
"If you're so mad, you should've taken me with you."

"To the phone store? I don't think so."




Thanks for reading my first ever one shots. Sorry if you wanted some Asch or Noi content, I might work on them soon? Critique and suggest ideas in the comments below.

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