That Will Never Happen // Home Alone

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The first of many events that will probably never happen in MID. In this edition, the Daemos are by themselves in Ava's apartment when a burglar breaks in.



"Just stay right here, okay? Hold down the fort while we're gone."

That was what Princess Ava told Pierce. That was what he will do.


He realised there were many things wrong with that line of thought.

He contemplated as he stood statue-still at the door, his broadsword pointing down at the exact spot Ava wanted him. He was supposed to be loyal to Prince Asch's bloodline and Prince Asch's only. Anyone else brought dishonor. But for some reason, any orders Asch gave just now slipped away and what Ava said to him was all he could think about.

Pierce felt no less of himself when he listened to Ava. When he obeyed Ava. Trusted Ava. Rather, a heaviness settled inside him when he thought about failing her. It felt right. She remembered their names--there must be something deeper than tolerance here. 

But then again, this confused Pierce. Was this her hypnotic magic, twisting his emotions and desires?


It would be nice if it never wore off.

Suddenly, faint footsteps beyond the door. He didn't recognise those footsteps. Pierce tensed, but didn't dare shift from his place Ava designated him even when the door handle began quaking. The door slowly opened to reveal the intruder in all black.

They held eye contact for a while.


Pierce then knocked him out with his broadsword's hilt.


"Pierce, we're home--WHY ARE YOU STANDING ON A RANDOM GUY?!" Ava squeaked when she returned to him elevated on his spot by a probably dead body.
He took his time to respond, "...he was an intruder. I made him sleep."
"I can see that! Now get off him!" Pierce was suddenly more than willing to get off him.

"I'll just... Call the cops." Princess Ava sighed, "Thanks for covering for us, Pierce. I'm glad nothing too crazy happened while we were away..."

Pierce paused at his new line of thought, but this time everything was right, "...I am glad you are glad too."



Rhys sighed, fixing his glasses as he distracted himself with the "combat guide". 

The apartment was eerily still without the others around. As if the walls, the furniture--everything--held its breath. Even Princess Ava's spirit had vanished without a purr. Not that he minded though; this was well needed peace and quiet.

What Rhys did mind, however, was that the others were getting ice cream without him.

"We're just gonna visit the mall and then hit up the ice cream truck. It's not fair if they don't experience human culture while you have it three-fold," Ava had reasoned.
"I will discipline myself from ice cream for the journey," he lied.
"No you won't. You love ice cream. Besides, you're the only one responsible enough to wait for Mrs Oats' package later today." Since when did their prisoner become so perceptive?

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