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Su Xiaomi

There were many things Su Xiaomi remembered about being sick. His illness would often weaken his body and make him feel so tired he thought he could sleep in bed all day. He had lost drastic amounts of weight which had taken him time to gain back. His hair had fallen out and as of now, he had managed to grow it back. All of that would be gone, but it was a small price to pay if he wished to live. But it wasn't his illness or the fact that his heart had stopped beating for anyone that caused him to feel sadness and grief. It was the fact that he would burden others, much like he had been doing for what felt like his entire life that made him feel as though he should just give up.

These thoughts, Su Xiaomi kept to himself. He didn't want Yiyi to worry about him, or have Chen drop everything and put their lives on hold just for him. It seemed as if they were doing that anyway. Xiaomi had asked them not to stop their lives for him but they'd refused to let him go through this alone.

"You have all of us. You don't need anyone else but us, because we are your family." Yiyi had continuously repeated to him.

"If you have to cling to someone in order to keep living then do this for Mei. She loves you Su Xiaomi and she's too young to understand death and loss at this age. Do it for her." Chen had said. That night once everyone had left their home they spent the night silently. Xiaomi's sickness looming over them. They were sad and it was precisely for this reason that Su Xiaomi had not wanted to say anything to them in the first place.

"We're here." Ying Xing spoke to Su Xiaomi. Sighing Su Xiaomi looked out to find himself in front of the small shop he worked in. His boss Xiao Jie was already opening the shop. When she looked at Su Xiaomi she offered him a kind smile.

"Chen is coming to pick you up with Mei and take you two home. Don't forget to call the hospital and make another appointment for a check-up." Ying Xing spoke to him calmly.

"Alright." Xiaomi spoke quietly, getting out of the car and closing the door behind him.

"Tell Emma I said hi." Xiaomi spoke forcing a smile which Ying Xing returned gently.

"You'll be fine. You are Su Xiaomi." Ying Xing encouraged before driving off.

Sighing Su Xiaomi quietly stayed where he was. Watching as Ying Xing's black SUV drove away. Through the years the boys that he had only known as Yan Yan's loyal friends had gradually become his family. The years had matured both Yang Hui and Ying Xing. Ying Xing had taken over his father's company and had become a powerful business man. He'd always been the more level headed as far as he and Yang Hui went. He loved women and loved to cause trouble with Yang Hui, the two had remained rather close through the years but Ying Xing had been the first to settle down of the two. He had met a beautiful girl named Emma. She was Mei's pre—school teacher the previous year. She was stubborn but kind, loud but knew when to be gentle and serious, and she made Ying Xing love her and want to marry her. So much so that they'd married only three months ago after nine months of knowing one another and Emma was now expecting their first child. Xiaomi was happy for them. Emma was quite a beautiful girl. Her eyes were a deep rich honey colour, her face heart shaped only cutened her chubby cheeks, that reminded Xiaomi of a cute doll. Emma was rather petite her light brown hair always fell in soft waves down her back and only accentuated the kindness and innocence that Emma seemed to carry herself with.

It came as a surprise at first to Su Xiaomi where Yin Xing announced that he was dating Emma. Xiaomi had asked Ying Xing who like Yang Hui and Yan Yan, had been a notorious player. The incident with that woman and the pregnancy scare had proved to Su Xiaomi that neither Yang Hui or Ying Xing had ever taken anything or anyone seriously.

"Emma is different." Ying Xing has said. The rest of course, was history and Ying Xing seemed happy as did Emma who had made a promise to make Xiaomi their child's godparent along with Yang Hui.

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