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Hey there, it's me and I'm back with the first chappie!

Naho's POV

Today, I got a letter which told me that a new guy - Naruse Kakeru - would join our class and sit next to me. And a lot more things I didn't understand at first, but now I do - I have to save Kakeru no matter what. And save him, I will!

But I wish I didn't invite him to come along with us after school.....

I'm sorry, Future Me. I couldn't erase that regret of yours.

Suwa's POV

As I was in a rush to leave to the school, I noticed a letter on my nightstand, next to the pic of Messi I keep. I thought of reading it after coming back from school. After all, letters can wait, right? But boy, was I wrong.

I shouldn't have insisted Kakeru to join us......

I'm sorry, Future Me. I hope you forgive me for that. And yes, I promise you that I'll do whatever is in my power to keep Naho and Kakeru together, even if it means giving up my love for her.

Azusa's POV

Weird. I got a letter from myself, ten years from the future. Dad gives it to me when I get back home in the evening.

I should've checked the mailbox before leaving to school like usual....

I shouldn't have forced poor Kakeru to come along with us.......

I'm sorry, Future Me. I couldn't change the very FIRST thing you wanted me to change.

Hagita's POV

I got a letter from myself, but ten years from the future. I WILL help save Kakeru this time round.

I just wish I could stop Suwa from requesting Kakeru to join us.

I'm sorry, Future Me. I'll take extra-care from now on.

Takako's POV

I get a letter which tells me that the new kid - Kakeru - is going to die (read as- kill himself) soon. I'm gonna stop that from happening.

I wish I didn't drag him along today.

I'm sorry, Future Me. And I promise you, that'll be the ONLY regret you'll have.


Word count : 353

That's it for now!

I'l try my best and update as soon as possible - but right now it's around 2 in the morning, so enjoy this while I go sleep!


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