cp:8 Innocent JIMINIE

Start from the beginning

Yoona- Okay we are here....Yuri, Mark !

She shouted

Jungkook looked at his mate

Jungkook- Hi Tae

He winked at him making him to blush madly

Tae- Hi Kookie

He responded with a tiny voice

Mark- Okay we are going...my son please take care of our pack....don't argue way too much

Yuri- Lisa?

Lisa- Yeah mom I get it

They said goodbye and left the house, the rest sat down ready to eat

( okay so now Tae can mindlink Rose,Lisa and Wendy coz they are his guardians.....bold lyrics will be their convo through mind link )

Lisa- How am I even supposed to ask him

Rose- Just say it okay

Wendy - Say what?

Rose- We have to talk about something

Taehyung looked at them bored

Tae- You are aware of a fact that I can hear you right?

Jungkook looked at him

Namjoon- Taehyung?

Lisa- Well Tae remember last night Jimin asked about sex right?

Taehyung gasped

Tae- Aishhhh don't tell me

Wendy-This is just great

She laughed

Jhope- Aaaaghhh what is happening

Yoongi- I guess they are just talking  through mind link

Jhope- Not fair...

Tae- So you wanted to ask me to...?

He raised on eyebrow

Rose- You have to explain to Jimin how that works


He said loudly.....

Jungkook- You guys are so mean...I wanna know

Jhope- Yeahh me too

Lisa- Well I can't tell him....

Tae- And may I know why....It's not like I've ever done that before......

Jungkook raised one eyebrow

Lisa- You are a guy and that works different with guys...and you are both omegas so yeah he will understand you better

Tae- Fine.....It's not like I have any other choice

Rose clapped her hands

Rose- So we are having a sleepover tonight

Namjoon- Woah I haven't done that In a while

Jungkook- Yeah

Jhope- It's gonna be great

Lisa, Rose and Wendy laughed

Jhope- God whats up with you three

Lisa- When she said we she meant Tae,Jiminie,Jin, Wendy, her and me....

THE POWERFUL MATES ( Taekook/Vkook ff )✅Where stories live. Discover now