Chapter two

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No-one currently knew where Ardyn was, many didn't care so long as stayed out of their business. But even destroying Eos gets dull when you have to wait so long, more so when the target of your revenge disappeared. So what better way to pass the time than to mentally break his retinue? It'd be so easy to pose as someone else, or to screw with their dreams and perception of reality. He's done it before, so he'll do it again. Perhaps it'd be prudent to… Sneeze… And destroy everything they've built. It's be far too easy. Dull one might say but satisfying all the same.

That's how he came to be stood beside a sleeping Gladiolus. Ardyn knows his weakness- His true weakness. It's the same for almost everyone- His kryptonite is the one he loves most and while Noctis is his brother, there is one he treasures beyond that. With a sinister grin, Ardyn gently taps his finger on Gladio's temple, the man responding with a grimace to the pleasant dreams he corrupted.

"Enjoy, it's just for you."


"Iggy!" I shouted, frantically searching the area for the man, or something- A sign maybe. But the courtyard was filled with the remains of MT's and civilians. 

Bullet casings sprayed as far as I could see. Scorch marks on the floor and walls. Blood splatters next to the bodies of the deceased, a trail of it led off to the altar. To Luna. To Noct. In the distance, Prompto limped into view, waving for me to follow. So I did.

One moment I'm running through the rubble of Altissia, the next; the corridors in Gralea.

"Prompto! Hey!" I yelled, the blond waiting at the far end of the hallway. "What… Iggy!" Where Prompto once stood, Ignis now lay. As I ran towards him he faded in a puff of black smoke. What lay in its wake were a pair of glasses, shattered and twisted beyond repair. The eerie silence was then broken by a splitting scream belonging to one person.

"Iggy! Hold on… I'm on my way!" I bellowed once again, even though Ignis couldn't hear me and I was alone. 

"Better hurry, there's no telling how much more his battered body can take, how much more before his mind snaps? I wonder…" The voice echoed in my head like a catchy song. Followed by Ignis scream of agony.  

Egged on by Ardyn's words, I ran like my life depended on it and in a sick way, it kind of did. Ignis is my past, present and future just as much as Noct. He's always been there, been strong and witty but, caring and soft with those close to him. Ignis keeps his heart close to him where I wear it on my sleeve.

After running for what felt like an eternity through an endless hallway, I finally reached a wide, open room. Or- What remains of one. Ardyn, smug and proud, stood grinning deviously at me.

"You kept me waiting, I grew tiresome. So how about we play a little game, hm?" He said, acting like a true jester, with a sinister agenda. "I seem to have acquired another lost soul, you may recognize him, so take a look."

To the right, Noct lay curled up on his side, trembling and chained. His head lifted a little upon hearing Ardyn's voice, hope flashed across his face before mortification set in. To the left was Ignis, all but laid down and propped up on his forearms to glare at the jester with murderous intent, a chain on his ankle. Unlike Noct, who was more or less unharmed, Ignis looked battered. 

"Before you try to kill me and save the day, let me explain the rules. One of them will not be leaving here, who it is, is up to you. To give you some incentive, here-" Ardyn suddenly appeared in front of Noct, a hand on his forehead while he screamed in agony. Whatever Ardyn was doing looked painful and- Black liquid started streaming from Noct's eyes like tears, the tips of his fingers gradually darkening. Another cry and Ignis was no longer glaring but looking feral, a black tear leaking from one eye and his veins slowly darkening. "Oh dear… Who will it be? Noctis, your dear Prince and brother- Or, your beloved Ignis?" 

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