Weired things happen to me, and I mean weired

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"Percy!?" I yelled.

"Mmm," a muffled sound came from his room.

I made my way down the hallway to his room and knocked on his door. Paul and Sally had left for the weekend.

Percy opened the door. He had a sweatshirt on, and was wearing fuzzy fish printed pajama pants. He looked as if he had just risen from the dead. He wiped a line of drool off his chin. And his bed hair was always bad, but today it was really bad. Annabeth was making him study way too hard.

"I'm going to leave in a couple of minutes. I just wanted to say goodbye," I said and hugged him, but it was more like hugging a corpse. If I gently pushed him, he would fall over in an instant.

"What?" he mumbled.

"I AM LEAVING! TO GO TO CENTRAL CITY!!!" I yelled at him.

He was fully awake now.

"That's today!?"


"Oh, well bye... uh, send me an Iris message when you get there, k?" Percy said and hugged me again.

"Ok, I'll hopefully be alright. I think that you should go back to bed, you look dreadful. Is Annabeth making you study too much?" I asked in a childish voice.

"Oh shut up, I don't even think I can fall asleep with a wake up call like that."

"Bye then."


We walked to the door and Percy opened it for me. I grabbed my backpack full of everything that I will need like clothes, ambrosia, nectar, toiletries, drachmas, and other essentials. I walked out the door.

Percy offered, "Do you need a drive?"

I looked at his car, it was recently pulled out from between two trees and he hasn't gotten it fixed yet.

"I refuse to get a ride in that thing until you get it fixed," I said. The car even had hoof prints pressed into the hood from Blackjack. I whistled for Willow, my pegasus. Willow is a beautiful chestnut paint pegasus and has a black mane. I always love to braid her long hair, and I am quite the natural rider. Willow came into view and landed on the road.

"Bye, Percy. I hope to see you soon," I said.

I hopped onto Willow's back.

Where to, Bella?, Willow asked.

"Central City," I said.

K, Willow said and took off.

My eyes became heavy and I dozed off with the wind rushing against my face.


Turbulence woke me up. I gazed at the horizon and Central City was just ahead. Willow soared towards the skyscrapers. She descended a little and wound around the concrete jungle. The city wasn't nearly as thick as New York, thank the gods. I can't think about how many times Willow and I have had close calls.

"Set me down in that ally over there," I pointed to show her, and Willow dove into the ally.

"Thank you."

I dismounted her back, and pulled an apple out of my backpack and gave it to her.

You're welcome, Willow said.

"Bye," I watched as she took off chomping away at the apple, soaring out of view.

I walked out of the ally and onto the open street. I silently cursed, I forgot to get real mortal money. I started to walk down the street to find the nearest bank, but something was wrong. As I got closer I could sense a monster following me. I knew that I was going to attract attention from monsters, but five minutes after I got here, now that is outrageous. I made sure I was aware of where the monster was at all times.

I had strapped two swords on either side of me. They are called Onis or Flamethrower. Onis melts into a decorative belt when I am among mortals, but when I reach down to grab them, they are always there. I entered the bank. The presence of a monster was stronger than ever when I got into line to make a withdrawal. In fact, I turned around and a five feet away a monster was disguised as a shady person with a black cap and clothes. He was a werewolf. That's odd, werewolves are always in packs.

The werewolf pulled out a gun and shot it in the air. Everyone screamed, ducked, and ran for cover. I ducked and stayed where I was. I could still be shot at with bullets whether they are normal or celestial bronze.

"Alright listen up! Nobody leaves unless you want to be shot," he pointed the gun at the lady at the desk, "bring me to the vault."

He left and came back with a bag full of cash and looked straight at me. I knew he knew I was a demigod, but he held back and didn't attack me. I was so confused about what the werewolf was doing. Everything around me slowed down, even me, as if time slowed down, but I was able to see someone in a red bodysuit probably running really fast because of the lightning following him.

Once the man stopped running, everything sped backup and time kept going. The robber/werewolf went straight toward me and pulled me off the ground. He locked me in a choke hold and pointed the gun at my head.

"Look man," the red dude said, "you don't have to do this."

"Really? Ha, classic," I mused, and rammed my elbow into his stomach. He dropped the gun in shock and I grabbed him by the wrist and flipped him over my shoulder, exactly the way Annabeth had demonstrated on Percy awhile back when we first met the Romans. I pulled the sword on my right out of its sheath. It was celestial bronze and similar to Percy's sword, Riptide.

I suddenly stopped as I knew people were watching me. If I killed him I couldn't come back to this city and I would be wanted for murder. The man in red was watching me intently to see what I was doing. He had a yellow lightning bolt on his chest, and I didn't recognize the symbol. He looked like one of those superhero comics. I have never seen a werewolf like this before, on its own and wanting me to spare him. I just had to stop him though.

"What are you..?" The red dude said and time slowed again, but was rudely interrupted by Onis turning the monster into dust. The other mortals screamed and ran out of the building.

"Why did you kill him?..." The red man stopped running and face turned to rage, then horror. He charged at me, yet again everything slowed down but I could see how slow everything was going. When he made contact I could feel bones break, especially when I hit the wall.

"You didn't have to kill him!" The red man's eyes flashed with anger and electricity. Suddenly he realized I was hurt and his anger turned into concern. My face probably gave him the first clue and he gently grabbed me. The next thing I saw was a strange high tech medical room. I was handcuffed to a medical bed with odd looking hand cuffs.

"Why did you bring her here?! I don't want to be skewered by Kylo Ren!" someone said.

I was seeing spots, everything was spinning. Three people came into the room, the red man, a dude with silky black hair, and a woman with curly brown hair. I reached for the ambrosia in my pocket, but it was gone.

"You looking for this?" The red man said, sure enough, my ambrosia was in his hand, "Hey Cisco, can you run some tests to see what kind of drug this is?"

"Oh uh don't eat it or else you will burn up and die," I croaked.

Cisco stared at me than said, "Sure, even though that is more of Catlin's thing."

"Cisco..." The red man said.

"I know what you mean Bar... uh, I mean Flash," Cisco rubbed his head, "Totally almost didn't give away your secret identity." Cisco mumbled and walked away. The Flash shook his head.

"She is going into shock!" Catlin yelled, "Where's Harry?!"

Everything went black.

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