[17]: Exposed

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2023 London, England

"Yeah, baby. You're right. Amaya did great. She was strong, you would've been so proud of her." Katherine Rogers spoke on the phone to her husband. She and Happy were standing by the docks, and Happy was on the phone with May, while Katherine called Steve as soon as the fight was over.

"I think what helped her find her strength was her mother being there with her. I'm glad you went, and I'm glad she stayed." Steve said.

"I'm glad she stayed too, and hey, I may be retired, but if any of our kids ever need me in their hero world, I'll always come back for them," Katherine said.

"Of course, it's what we do," Steve said and then Katherine saw Fury and Maria approaching and she and Maria shared a smile.

"I gotta go, Cap. I love you." She said.

"I love you more."

When they hung up the phone. Katherine walked forward to Maria and wrapped her in a hug, which Maria gladly returned. Hill has always been one of Katherine's favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, and of course, Fury will always be her favorite recruit.

"I'm glad to see you both alive," Katherine said.

"I'm both glad and surprised to see you here." Fury said to his former boss and Katherine shrugged her shoulders.

"When your daughter calls you in distress, you're not just going to say, 'sorry sweetie, but I'm retired, remember?' She needed me. I came." Katherine said while shrugging her shoulders.

"I guess the coded message worked." Happy said with a smile on his face.

"Appearances can be deceiving.' I'm surprised you didn't just wink in the camera." Fury said.

"It still worked," Katherine said.

"Only because I had serious doubts about Beck from the beginning." Fury said and Maria immediately shook her head.

"Not true. He had zero doubts." She said which made Fury give her a look of disbelief that she would rat him out and Katherine laughed looking between the two of them.

"Where's Parker and Rogers?" Fury asked Happy and Katherine.

"With each other and their class," Katherine said.

"I need to speak to them." Fury said while looking at Katherine, and the brunette shrugged her shoulders.

"They'll call you." Katherine said.

"They'll call...-" Fury cut himself off because he was so surprised hearing the words that came out of her mouth and Katherine started laughing again, and then Fury started laughing. "That little girl is just like you. Okay, great. Well they better. Or it's your ass." Fury said while pointing his finger at Happy, and Happy looked surprised. "And don't even think about ghosting me."

"Me?" He asked.

"She's retired, and if she wasn't, she's my boss. Can't do anything to her." Fury said and Happy looked over at Katherine who shrugged.

"We can't all wear the crown, Hap." Katherine said as Fury and Maria walked away. Happy swallowed hard, and then he looked over at Katherine.

"They'll call him, right?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"You'll find out."

Meanwhile, Peter and Amaya were reunited with their class again, back at the airport in New Jersey as it was time to get picked up, and as they walked through, Peter reached his hand down and found Amaya's and she immediately squeezed his hand. She was still feeling giddy and excited from telling Peter that she loves him for the first time.

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