Chapter 2

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"Oi, get up!" a voice said. "Today's the day!"

I covered my head with my pillows. Why would my Uncle Scrooge want me to get up so early?

"Up and at 'em, lad," he said, pulling the pillows away from my face. "Today's a special day."

"The day I can sleep in until noon?" I asked sleepily.

"It's already 8, Louie!" Scrooge said.


Scrooge dragged me out of bed and led me downstairs.

"Tomorrow's your birthday," he said. "You turn 13, and I think it's high time I teach you a little bit about business."

"Why?" I moaned.

"You want to be rich? Knowing how to handle your business will get you there."

"Why can't I sleep?"

"Because this is important!"

"But, Uncle Scrooge, I don't feel so good. I think I'm gonna be sick."

That trick never worked with Uncle Scrooge; he just rolled his eyes and continued to lead me to his limo.

"Why can't I do something fun for my birthday? I never do anything fun."

Scrooge sighed.

"Fine," Scrooge said, giving me 20 dollars. "Consider this money your present. Spend it on whatever you want."

I knew exactly what I wanted; a trip to that new arcade I've heard so much about.

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