Harry laughed at himself, pushing the door closed behind him and kicking his trainers off by the door. "Right, sound advice." 

Rosalie led the way to his room, giving Callux a wave as they passed where he was playing video games on the couch in the sitting room. "Hey, Lux, how's it?"

"What's up, Rosalie." He chimed back, suddenly doing a double take to look between Rosalie's retreating figure and Harry's tense one as an explosion sounded on the game, his remote vibrating in his hands. Harry just shook his head, eyes wide, and followed after her towards his room.

Rosalie was already making herself at home, sitting on the edge of his unmade bed and untying her shoe laces. "I'm going to the toilet, I'll be right back." Harry announced, turning and shutting the door to his attached bathroom quickly. 

After casting a quick glance over her shoulder, Rosalie quickly pulled out her phone and dialed Freya's number, pressing the phone to her ear and sliding onto the floor so she was hidden from sight. The line rang twice before Frey's voice sounded.

"Rose, what's up?"

"I am in Harry's bedroom and we just got back from dinner and things are great and I want to jump his bones, but I also think I really like him and being around him and so I don't want to make a right mess of this, and I don't know what to do -" Rosalie whispered out rapid fire, her rant quickly cut off by Freya's exasperated response.

"Well, then have sex with him for God's sake." Freya's words were followed by a laugh, a familiar boy's voice in the background.

"Am I on speaker?" Rose hissed, her eyes going wide. "Did Josh just hear everything I said?"

"He's permanently sworn to secrecy." Freya waved off, earning another laugh and an incredulous sound from the boy in question.

Josh stepped in to give a word of advice as the sound of the sink started up in the other room. "Have sex with him if you want to, just don't disappear after that and stop talking. He'll get the picture. He's not exactly the player type."

"Thanks," Rose breathed out, still mildly irritated by his presence, but she hung up as the bathroom door opened, popping up so quickly that Harry jumped in surprise. "Dropped my phone," She told him, sliding it into the side pocket of her bag.

"Right," Harry nodded, grabbing the remote to his TV and flicking it on, leaning back on the pillows next to where Rosalie had settled and crossing his feet at the ankle. He began flipping through the channels, Rose's eyes following the schedule at the bottom of the screen before her hand shot out to stop him from scrolling to the next station.

"Have you ever seen Notting Hill?" She asked, looking over at Harry with wide questioning eyes.

He shook his head, "Never, it's not really my style necessarily." Harry joked, his hand dropping the remote between them. "But if you want to watch it, sure."

Rosalie's eyebrows drew together in confusion, giving the boy a skeptical look. Convincing him to let Notting Hill play shouldn't have been nearly as easy as this had been. "You're willing to watch Notting Hill? Are you okay?"

Harry laughed, his cheeks coloring as both shoulders raised in another one of his timid shrugs. "I mean, if you want to. By all means, I can change it, but I thought you wanted to -"

"Why are you giving in so easily? Don't you want to argue me about what garbage romantic movies are and pick out something you want to watch instead, like football or superheroes or something?" Rosalie continued, squinting her eyes at him as if she could read his mind if she tried hard enough.

"I just figure I won't be able to focus anyway, no matter what we watch, so what's the point in trying to pick something when we can watch what you'd like?" He shrugged again, his fingers lifting to scratch near his collar.

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