"I've seen him before" fingering through dozens of photos of the man. He looked prestigious and wealthy and that was to be expected. "Does your 'master' want a word with him?" You said it as a joke but wasn't grounded for your response.

"He wants you to kill him"


"I didn't mumble. So, you've got 48 hours to do it after the heroes find you. If not, your brother is done for. We'll be monitoring you anyway. You tell anyone anything, I'll personally set you aflame. Understand?"


"Good girl" he gave you a pat on your head before turning to leave. So you were supposed to kill this guy? And you couldn't let anyone else know where you were...this could only get worse from here on out. You only thought of your brother...keeping him safe was your top priority, and you'd do whatever it took. You wanted to look over the files and photos again but an excruciating pain shot through your body; something wet going down the side of your face. Your ears hurt suddenly and was the source of the wet feeling. With two fingers, you wiped the wetness away—only for your fingers to come back red...your own blood. Your ears were bleeding. And though you struggled to keep yourself awake; darkness took over once more.

Why couldn't it be like this all the time?

There was peace and silence in the cover of darkness. No problems, no worries or suffering...pain; none of that mattered when you felt yourself slip. Part of you thought it was disappointing to come back to this messed up world. So why did you have to?


You jolted awake to bright lights and a white room. The sounds around you were voices...but somehow muffled, you couldn't hear them now. As your hearing slowly came to, you noticed arguing and anger...confusion, remorse, fear.

"I take the blame, I should've never let her go on patrol alone"

"She's just a kid" So many words and questions, you didn't want to deal with them. But they didn't seem to notice you were awake right now. Your body felt paralyzed, your muscles ached; yet, they were still at each other's throats.

"Guys...please, my ears hurt..." you choked out; your voice hoarse and scratchy. It hurt to talk—rendering you exhausted in the process.

"You're awake...." Ryuko was here, Aizawa and All Might were at your bedside. "How are you?"


"Our apologies for waking you, young Y/N, although we were afraid you wouldn't wake"

"What happened, Y/N?" You thought long and hard. You wanted so bad to tell them, but you remembered Dabi's words and immediately made up a lie.

"I...don't remember anything after the building collapse...where was I?"

"We found you a few blocks away from the accident...you were pretty beat, your ears were bleeding too"

"Must be a side effect from my powers...it happened at the sports festival only the blood was rushing from my nose"

"Well, you were missing for 2 days"


"You weren't aware?" You shifted your gaze towards the hospital window.

"No" they glanced between each other then back at you. You started to sit up in bed but Ryuko gently pushed you back down.

"You need to be resting sweetie...although there is a penalty for going against my orders in the battlefield, I am impressed with how many people you got out of that building. I'm proud of you kiddo"

No...not the guilt


"We do have a surprise for you"


"Your brother is on his way to see you"

"What?" This couldn't be happening. It had to be a dream.

"You don't look too excited about it"

"No, I am! I just....I hate when he sees me like this, you know? Ha ha, he's a bully sometimes"

"That's typical of siblings. Anyway, the nurses will help you with whatever you need, we have to go but we'll be back tomorrow" Once the three left, you could feel the tears swelling in your eyes. Why'd he have to rush down here like that? He was safer where he was; far far away from you. This only complicated things a bit more...you weren't sure you could take it. One thing for certain; your target had to be eliminated as soon as possible. And you couldn't do it from the comfort of a hospital bed.


Hope you enjoyed, its a bit on the short side, I is sorry ☹️

Anyway, love you guys and see you in the next one!

Bye guys! 💋✍🏾

The Rose and The Flame : A Dabi x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now