Chapter 2: Always There(Not Really)

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Ezra was making a huge try not to sigh as he reread the note.

Sorry, need to go. First day at work. Early shift. There's food on the fridge. Don't stay up waiting for me. 


Ezra had hoped that for once his dad would be able to rest. Kanan told him that things would be different but nothing has changed. Not really. He sat on the couch and looked around on the small apartment. What was his dad expecting him to do in an empty apartment, with barely any furniture, all alone? Well, at least they didn't have to sleep in the car anymore.

He still was at a loss of what to do. He opened the fridge, there were a couple pancakes on a plastic plate. Dad must have ordered them. What time did he wake up anyway? he thought. Not too early he hoped. Kanan needed his sleep. He took the pancakes and put them in the microwave (which they had to buy themselves since the apartment only had two beds, a couch, a kriffing plastic table and a dusty fridge).

Ezra rested his chin on his hands as he watched the microwave heating his breakfast. When it was ready, he took it out and sat on the plastic table. Wait a second, did the even have forks? Ezra made a mental note to tell Kanan when he got back. If he was even awake by the time he got back. He finished his breakfast in complete silence. It was not something unusual. It was actually part of their routine. Ever since Ezra was old enough to take care of himself, Kanan spent way more time at work. Which resulted on the boy barely seeing his foster father. It made him sad and Ezra hated that it did. He knew Kanan was working hard because of him. If it weren't for him, Kanan would have enough money to settle down somewhere nice and built a family, a real family.

Ezra sat up and threw the plastic plate in the plastic bag they used as a trashcan. He looked around again. He could be good, he could be useful.

He looked around the house for any cleaning supplies. Nothing. He groaned. Something else, he needed to to something else. He went back to his room and picked his books from the floor. Kana always liked when Ezra studied. He always did well at school and Kanan was always proud and relieved about it.

When Ezra was younger he couldn't understand why. He figured that parents were always happy when their kids did well at school and since Kanan is his parent he was happy as well. Now, Ezra knew the real reason behind Kanan's relief and happiness that came with Ezra's good grades. Kanan was hoping Ezra would have a better life than him. Good grades would get him a scholarship, which would get him to college and college would get him a good, stable job, a good, stable life. Something he and Kanan never had.

Ezra did want a better life. But not for him, for his dad. Ever since he were old enough to understand how the world actually worked he had made a promise to himself. He would study hard, he would get good grades, he would get a scholarship, he would do good in college and he would find a good job, so his dad wouldn't have to work ever again.

He spread the books on his bed. He picked chemistry first. Schools would not start by the beginning of next month, but it wouldn't hurt to review the material from last year.

He opened the book and flipped the pages to the first chapter.


Kanan mopped the floor harder but the yellow-brown stain still hadn't faded. The toilet was just there. Why the hell would someone pee on the floor?

Kanan sighed momentarily leaning on the mop. He had barely gotten any sleep last night. Just four hours was not enough sleep to keep him going for the rest of the day. He needed coffee. He shook his head. He didn't have time to buy coffee and even if he had coffee back home, they didn't have a coffee machine.

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