Present Day

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I haven't felt alive for a while. There came a time when I just stopped caring. Stopped caring for others, stopped caring for possessions, and stopped caring for myself. I'm not proud of it. Just being honest. It doesn't even matter anymore. I'm alone now. There's no one left. Is it sad to say that it took me a little while to notice? I don't care. That's what happened. It took me six entire days to notice that I was the last one left.

The only reason I noticed that seventh day was because I needed groceries. I work from home, don't talk to anyone daily. I work from home. I get paid to be judgmental- writing reviews for books that is. It's a good job, perhaps the only thing that I actually enjoy. That and silence. But this silence now? It might be a bit much.

Let me get back to that day, and up to speed on where I am now. Alone, afraid, and aware of other noises from outside.

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