Sleepwalking Tulip

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It is almost curfew, but the sighting of three students and a half giant man were still visible at the school's cloister.

One of the student, red-haired and with a rather fatigue look sat down near antique fountain that are surrounded by statues of eagles in the centre of Clocktower Courtyard.

Apparently, to sums up their conversation so far, this is what came up according to the groundkeeper, “Tulip sleep walks. Not just a normal sleepwalk sleepwalk. But this is a cursed sleepwalk.”— And Tulip Karasu happens to  falls under this curse.

Keira, who manage to convince and brought Ben Copper along, went with Hagrid to the Clocktower Courtyard. Keira doesn't expect to deal with something cursed vault related as early as the first day of fourth year. She doesn't even have time to welcome the first years that joined her house. Now Keira completely missed the welcoming party that is held in the Slytherin common room.

While Tulip doesn't remember what happened to herself, Hagrid said he found her sleepwalking towards the Forbidden Forest as he was about to leave for the feast. And it was Ben Copper who theorize that this is have to do with the next Cursed Vaults. And maybe Rakepick has already starting to mess with it.

Of course Keira haven't completely forgotten about the reason Ben Copper is with them as well.

"Everyone said you hid when Rakepick came into the Great Hall, Ben. Is everything okay? Do you know her?" Ask Keira suspiciously.

"I know enough to stay away from her.." said Ben, timidly. Tho Keira were not convinced.

Hagrid once again shocked Keira when he cuts in. With an ounce of annoyance in his tone, he told them to talk about Patricia Rakepick later. "Luciky Tulip hit her head on a branch headin' into the Forbidden Forest."

Hagrid continue. "Lots o' creatures in there would love to feast on a sleepwalkin' student.. I tried teh take her teh the Hospital Wing. But she wouldn' let me. She only wanted to see yeh."

"You found the map of the Forbidden Forest in the Cursed Vault, Keira Holstein. This could be related." Said Tulip, with noticeably weak voice compare to her usual active one.

"First, let's make sure your head is okay." said Keira while withdrawing her Blackthorn wood wand to cast a healing spell onto Tulip Karasu's head.


"I think that's enough meeting fer now. Both of you need to go back and rest at yer respective dormitory, and Tulip yer comin' with me"

Hagrid demands Tulip to go to Hospital Wings for a thorough check up by Hogwarts Matron. However, Tulip said she wanted to stay for a few minutes before going to 'jail'.

"I'll come by to visit tomorrow, Tulip." said Keira as she and Ben Copper headed back into the castle. Luckily Filch and Mrs Norris isn't anywhere to be seen.


"Hey, Ben? You know you can tell me everything if there's something wrong, right?" said Keira as she took a seat on the Gryffindor bench across Ben Copper, her right hand holding a plate of two giant sandwiches.

It was yesterday when the both of them was introduced to the sleep-walking curse. Although Keira's attempt to dig in into why Ben Cooper has been acting strangely since yesterday failed, she try her luck again by having breakfast with him instead of her usual spot at Slytherin table.

Ben Copper, once again having that frightened look on his face, answered "How are you so brave, Keira? After knowing there will be another new curse in Hogwarts..Don't you scared if you'll fall under the curse too?"

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