He slipped into his neon yellow tennis shoes, whereas I put on my black ones. I had to laugh a little when I alomst fell, tumbling into him. He didn't mind though, instead just laughed as he pulled my face to his, leaving a kiss on my nose before he wrapped his arm around my waist and lead us out.

We met Gemma, Eleanor, Perrie, Liz, Audrey, and this other red headed girl down in the lobby. My cheeks grew about 100 degrees hotter as they started whistling towards us. I smiled and looked each of them over.

Gemma was a more 'slutty' version of Little Red Riding Hood. Eleanor was black and cheetah print cat, and Perrie was dressed as a slutty devil. The the other three were all dressed as the little minions from Despicable Me.

I smiled as we made our way towards them, all walking out together. We all just decided to walk since it wasn't far at all. It looked as if others were walking that way in their costumes as well.

I still felt a bit self conscious about myself, but I tried to just push it away. We were taking pictures on our way there and I felt even more like an idiot as I had to actually pose for everyone. I couldn't take an actual funny one and it kind of irritated me because I felt like people were staring, and I didn't want to be that girl. I would have much rather been Anna or something.

About ten minutes later, Niall and I were walking hand in hand into the large party house. We, well more I, haven't been to a party in a while. They have one every Friday and it's been like a month and a half since I've been.

I was a little nervous as I stepped in, sudden images and horrible flashbacks coming to me, but for the most part, I tried to push it away and just enjoy that Niall was now here with me, and he and I were in a relationship. Everything was going to be okay because I know that he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

We walked into the kitchen, hearing the whole house bellow in mixes of Skrillix and David Guetta. Strobe lights flashed all around, lighting over the people dancing for a blink of a second before it moved to new faces.

"Hey, Lou." Niall spoke loudly so he could hear him. Louis turned around, smiling wide.

"Guys! My mates!" he started laughing and I couldn't help but to giggle at his drunken state. He was dressed as Superman, the hair an all. He actually pulled it off quite well. He pulled us each into a hug, squeezing tightly, which caused me to laugh with delight. I kid you not, it felt like I just got squeezed by a bear. "Have a drink!" he slurred, pushing a cup towards Niall.

Niall glanced to me and I shrugged so he took the cup, staring down at it for a second before swirling it around then tipping his head back to take a drink.

He shook his head then smiled. "Is it bad?" I asked.

"Not bad just strong." I nodded, staring at him as he began to drink. I wonder what it's like to be able to drink and have fun without worries. What is it like, getting drunk and losing yourself for a couple hours? Is it fun, or do they just do it because they can? I bit my lip before walking over to the sink to fill up an empty glass with water.

Niall smiled and walked up behind me, trapping me between the counter and the side out the sink counter. "Your ass looks so good in those." He purred into my ear, grinding into me from behind. I whimpered a little as I felt his hard rub against my bum. He began sucking on my neck, biting and licking and just everything to drive me absolutely nuts. I was thankful that all of my other bruises that he'd left had gone away, but now once again, he's gotta leave another.

I sighed and relaxed into his arms as he chuckled, kissing my temple. "Come dance." I nodded and turned around to grab his hand. I led us into the living room, pushing pat drunkards who were just there to take up space and get drunk. Everyone was dressed in different kids of costumes, some people being creative, others not so much. Niall ended up dressing up to fit in a group of five other guys. There were in their mid twenties maybe a little older, but Niall happened to know them from his brother.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now