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A/N: Sorry for the very long wait. Hopefully this makes up for it.

Ron, Mike and I make it back to the house first, and I'm honestly surprised to see that Snooki is awake. I at least thought that she will still be passed out somewhere.

"Your boy called." Snook says to Jenni as we all make ourselves comfortable in the living room.

"Your what? Oh wait, wait. Your what?" Ronni burst out laughing as none of use knew that she had a boyfriend.

You come into this house for the summer with a boyfriend? Yeah sweetheart, let's see how long that lasts.

It's the next day, and it's almost time for us to meet Danny down at the Shore Store for orientation, and of course there is always that one person that isn't ready.

"Who wants to hold her hair while she throws up?" Jenni asks as she comes from the back.

I groan as I throw my head back. This was definitely not how I wanted things to go on orientation day.

"This is why we have to leave early 'cause bitches puking and shit." Vinny says angrily, and I couldn't agree with him more.

If this was any other day, then I would be a gentleman and help Snooki out, but I refuse to be late on my first day for a grown woman that knew that she had somewhere to be. So she is going to have to figure that out on her own.

We all eventually decide to leave her behind because nobody wanted to be late.

"We're ready to work." I yell out as soon as we walk up to Danny inside of the Shore Store.

"I like that attitude." He smiles as I shake his hand.

He begins to give us a run down on everything that he wanted us to do, and how our work schedules were going to be.

Just as orientation is finishing up, Snooki finally makes an appearance. This girl is a whole thirty minutes later, but at least she showed up.

As we are at the house trying to figure out what we want to do next, Snooki comes inside looking upset.

"What's wrong? Like, what did I do?"

"You showed up late." Mike answer her.

"No, about, like, what's going on here?"

"Nothing is going on Snook." I say in hopes of calming her down as I can see that she was starting to get upset.

"Why is everyone acting weird towards me?"

"It's like, what, were you sick? 'Cause, honestly, we were ready to go?" Sam wonders.

"I was in the bathroom." Snooki starts. "I'm not mad about that..."

'Cause I thought you were, like, vomiting your brains out. I don't want pukey breath on me." Sam interrupts her in a bitchy way.

"Sam chill, it isn't that serious." I say to her as I make my way into the kitchen. I just didn't want to be a part of that conversation anymore.

About an hour later, we all sit around the table like a family to enjoy the meal that Mike with the little help he apparently got from Sam.

"Are we saying grace, or are we just digging in?" I question as I look at everyone around the table.

"I will." Vinny says as he grabs the bible from Ron. "Dear God." He starts before we all start laughing. All I have to say is that if my parents were here right now then I would probably be six feet under. They didn't play about prayer, especially my dad.

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