High School Bites Ch. 3

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Chapter 3: God I hate being the New Kid

When the next three classes ended, lunch finally came. I hurried to the bathroom with my 'lunch'. I entered a stall and locked the door. I pulled out the blood bag my father had packed for me and sucked it down quickly. Nothing like a bag on O negative to satisfy my thirst. When I was finished I threw the bag in the trash and washed my face. Thankfully I didn't get any blood on my clothes. Not that it would stand out or anything because nothing would stand out on my black jeans, navy Skillet t-shirt, black flats and faded hoodie. Pretty much everything on me was black except for my mom's sapphire ring, my silver necklace that carried my family crest upon it and my pale skin.

When I left the bathroom I headed toward the main office. When I got there a red-headed woman, in about her mid-40's, greeted me with a smile. "Hello dear. Can I help you?" She asked. She creeped me out. She was way to preppy for my liking. "Yes, I was wondering where the library was?" I asked. "Oh yes. Take a left when you leave this office, then a right at the corner and then head straight. You can't miss it." She said and pointed in the direction I should go. "Thanks." I said and practically sprinted away.

When I finally got to the library I signed in and logged on to a computer. I checked my email first and found and email form my dad saying he was going to be working late. Like when dose he not? I scanned through all the junk mail and deleted it. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned in my chair and saw a blonde haired girl, about my age, staring at me. She wore all pink except for her jeans. I recognized the brands, all high end and in fashion. Typical blonde, if you ask me. Her whole form screamed prep from head to toe. "So you're the new girl?" She asked me. Her voice was full of venom. I nodded. Looks like I found the popular, bitchy queen bee of this school. "Well I'm Trina. It's Kate right? Ok so were clear I'm the head of the cheerleading squad and the gymnastics team, so don't mess with me or you'll be sorry." She said and walked away. I suppressed my laughter and turned back to my computer. Oh please if she thinks I'm afraid then she's dead wrong. A grin spread across my face. If anything she should be afraid of me.

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