Four // Epiphany

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*Joy's POV*

I look at the time. 5:27.  There's no use in going to sleep now, I have to get ready in three minutes. 

I rub away the sleep in my eyes, which is probably days worth. Laying neatly on my desk is my school clothes I picked out yesterday. After putting them on, I trudge over to my full-length mirror. 

Ugh, I need concealer today.

Makeup is not my favourite thing in the world, but when you haven't slept well in almost forever, what else are you supposed to do? 

Heading to the bathroom, I slab the creamy liquid under my dull eyes and blend it in. There, not a complete disappointment. I look at my face in the mirror. I blow the hair out of my face and pretend to like what I see. 

Small thoughts begin to creep into my head. 

How will anyone like you when you look like that? Does Axel know what a loser you are? Hell, you can't even speak to him properly. You couldn't even keep Cole with you. He's gone because of-

I quickly push them out. I don't need this right now.

I get away from my mirror immediately, knowing what staring will do. I grab my backpack and head out the door, turning the knob and locking the door with my key.

I walk into school like the past 18 hours didn't even happen. My face rests into this smirk, almost a smug. I go through my classes, vigorously writing notes, being engaged, and pondering about school. It's the only thing I can do at the moment  to get my mind off of Cole. 

"Hey Joy," Axel whispers to me during study hall.

{Yes?} I turn my head.

{You okay?}

{Just peachy, thank you.} My hands move more violently than expected. 

{You just gave yourself away. You're angry signing.} 

I stare at the ground angrily, but then he begins to smile.

{Hey, wanna go to the arcade tomorrow? That should make you feel better.}

I shake my head. I can't. Not when tomorrow is so important. 

{I have something really important to do tomorrow. Sorry, Axel.} His smile fades a little.

{Can I take you to wherever you need you go at least? We can go afterwards.}

I swear this boy doesn't take no for an answer, but I wish that I hadn't said no in the first place.

{Sure, why not?}

That damn smile returns as soon as I finish signing. 

His eyes go wide for a split second, then he goes into his backpack, pulling out a keychain. He hands it to me. 

{For your backpack. I found it in the mall yesterday, and I thought you'd like it.}

I try to examine it, but my heart is beating so fast. Axel got me a present? He was thinking of me? 

"Alright class, the bell is going to ring, so pack up your things and have a good weekend." The teacher announces.

"See you tomorrow," He winks at me.

I'm extremely glad he turns and walks out right away, because I felt my cheeks turn red from a realisation. 

My mind goes back to everything that has happened with Axel. The happy moments, the serious moments, even the silly moments. My thoughts are always occupied by his sweet presence. I catch myself wondering what he'll think of me, or of his approval. I was almost weak in the knees when he gave me that keychain.

I think I like this bastard.


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