- ¢нαρтєя 21 -

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"FLAT- LINING!" THREE NURSES  darting into the room as Mike's eyes opened, rushing to the side of the bed. No. No. That can't be true: Will didn't look any different! His heart couldn't be stopping! except when Mike looked again he saw his chest stopped moving.....

"starting chest compressions!" A nurse yelled, starting to push down on Will's chest, hard. 
Mike wanted to scream, he wanted to run and slap the nurses hands away. She was hurting him! except, there wasn't who to hurt anymore.... someone ripped Will's gown off, leaving his chest bare.

Suddenly a breathing mask on his face, more nurses coming in....
"Connecting defibrillator..." a doctor yelled as he put huge stickers on the bare chest, connected to a machine. "clear!" someone pressed on a button, and Will's chest went up in a blaze of electricity.

That's when Mike lost it.

"Will!" he roared, pushing through nurses to stand by him, "I love you so much! I love you! I need to actually tell you that! You can't die now, you can't-" he grabbed Will's cold hand, squeezing tightly. But then two strong arms grabbed Mike, literally carrying him out of the room and closing the door behind him. "No! No! I can't leave him!" Mike tried to get back in, but the door was locked.

He slid down to the floor, his friends running in just a moment later. When they saw him, someone let out a huge gasp and that's when the tears started.

It seemed like everyone was bawling their eyes out, except for Mike. He didn't cry, he couldn't cry. Will... Will... he couldn't be dead.... no way was the hazel eyed boy gone....

Everyone was crying, hugging each other tightly, trying to hug Mike. He was frozen.

                                                                           -💔 -

How long was Mike sitting there, the door closed? it seemed like days, had to be at least an hour. Only Dustin and Lucas were still there, Max and El had gone to wash their faces and try to call Joyce again... reach Jonathan in NYU.

Mike didn't understand why he was still sitting there. If Will was dead, why did it matter that Mike was there? why couldn't he move, couldn't even cry?

The door opened. The nurses left the room, carrying out a few machines. Mike couldn't understand from their faces... Then the doctor.

He looked at Mike, who still couldn't understand his expression, and opened the door more, letting Mike shakily step in and closing the door before Dustin and Lucas could enter.

Mike was alone with Will, still pale and blue. Not Will anymore. Why did the doctor think he'd want to be alone with a corpse? what was he supposed to do? until...

The chest was moving. slowly, unsteadily, but moving.

"Will?" Mike asked, his voice shaking along with his whole body. And sure enough....

Eyes fluttering open, a faint smile on his lips. "Mike," his raspy voice breathed.

Mike ran to his side, dropping to his knees besides the bed. Will didn't move his head towards him, but he did move his eyes. Gosh, his eyes... the beautiful hazel Mike thought he had lost forever.

And that's when Mike started crying. Crying so hard, he couldn't even see. Ugly crying, real crying. 

"It's okay," he heard Will's voice, felt his cold hands slowly stroking his hair. He looked up at Will, still smiling a tired smile.

"I thought you were- you were-" Mike struggled to breath evenly, stop the tears. How was Will the one comforting him?

"You're not getting rid of me this easy, Wheeler," Will said, laughing a small coughing laugh. Of course, Will cracks jokes after literally being dead for minutes. God, Mike loved him.
"I love you Will," Mike burst out. He had to say it. "I know it's way too early and I know I shouldn't but I love you so so so muc-"
"I love you too, Mike. More than anything."Will's smile widened, his eyes glittering with pure joy. Mike got up and kissed him a soft, quick kiss. He loved that he could make Will this happy, make his eyes glitter like this even in this situation. 

Pounding knocks on the door. Mike smiled at Will.
"Can I let them in?" he couldn't believe Will had made it, he couldn't believe he was actually talking to him again.
Will nodded, and then winced in pain. "Just for a little while...."

Mike opened the door, pushed to the side by his friends, all of them. "Byers!" a loud yell, people around him, hugging him awkward one armed hugs.
Mike hovered around them, telling everyone to be gentle, that he was still weak... But the laughter roared,  tears and sorrys and stories flying through the group of friends. Until the doctor came and told them they had to leave, that Will had to rest. He did look tired, so tired even Mike turned to leave. 

But before he could Will grabbed his hand, so weakly Mike barley felt it. 

"Don't leave me," Will said, his eyes full of fear at the thought of being alone in the unfamiliar place. 
"Never," Mike whispered, grabbing Will's hand back and squeezing it tightly.

He turned and saw that everyone was staring at them on the way to the door.

"I'm sorry, I have to say this-" Max started and Mike wasn't sure if he should be mad- "You guys are the cutest efing couple ever."
A quick burst of agreement from everyone and then they were gone, leaving Mike and Will alone together, their cheeks burning.

Mike sat down on the edge of the bed, still holding on to Will's hand. He never wanted to let it go now, wanted to hold him forever.

Next part is the last part!! also how about that s4 teaser?!?!?!?! Do you guys think season 4 will be Byler'season? FINGERS CROSSED!

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