The doctor nodded, "Yes he wasn't my favorite person in the world.....always blamed you for it"

Mitchell frowned looking at the doctor, "So why did she get pregnant by me and not him?"

"Classic case of fate....I've seen it a million times put it in simple terms his sperm and and her eggs just didn't get along.....whereas.....", he gestured to Mitchell, " were the perfect match it seems and also you're sperm can be more furtile"

Mitchell smiled brightly feeling a sudden rush of pride that he was able to give Tess something Vince never could

"Long story short you are more of a man than him", Tess chimed in laughing at Mitchell's obvious glee

"So....", the doctor exclaimed interrupting Mitchell's thoughts, "....shall we get started?"

"Please", Tess moaned just wanting to get this over with already knowing what comes next

He nodded and handed her a hospital gown to go change into while he and Mitchell got to talking, a while later she came in and lay on her back putting her feet up in the stirrups with the doctor's help

Mitchell's eyes grew wide and he cleared his throat, "Is this.....does this always happen?", he whispered to Tess as the doctor turned around to prepare for the examination

She smirked, "It went in that way....."

His breathing immediately got faster and harder at the image she put in his mind, the things she could do to him in the worst of times

"ALRIGHT ready?"

She nodded and lay back taking a deep breath and closing her eyes relaxing as Mitchell watched from his spot trying to even his breathing

"Ok you know how this goes.....relax and even breathing....."

'Easier said than done', Mitchell thought

"'s going to be a bit cold and uncomfortable as you know but try to breath through it"

Tess did as the doctor said, she felt the all too familiar cold stinging feeling making her suck in a breath and moan a bit

"Alright let's see here"

He turned to the monitor and adjusted the device a bit to see better which made Tess groan

"I'm sorry"

"That's fine", she mumbled taking another calming breath and relaxing as she felt Mitchell caress her thigh

"Can you see that?"

Mitchell perked up as the doctor pointed to the screen where the smallest little white blob moved a bit, Tess opened her eyes and looked herself

"That's it huh?"

The doctor smiled at them, "I know it's not much but in a few short months it's going to grow enough for us to determine a gender"

Tess stared at the screen and felt her eyes start to water, the older man looked at her knowingly and gently removed the probe trying not to cause her more discomfort

"How about I take some quick blood test just to make extra sure everything is fine"

She nodded sitting up straight, she held out her arm while the doctor took blood all the while her mind was working overtime

"All I'll leave you two while you clean up in there and I'll just run these to the lab"

Mitchell smiled at him as he walked out of the room, he walked to her and kneeled down in front of her gripping her knees

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