Chapter Twelve*

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     Vic was at your door within minutes. In that time you had cried yourself into a numb state. A state that teetered between laying down and falling into a deep sleep and doing something drastically violent. Your body tingled with a strange pent up energy and emotional exhaustion. Vic rang the doorbell just as the moon began replacing the sun. About 6 pm.

     His eyes landed on your shockingly calm form as you swung open the door. He traced from your bare feet, up to your bare legs decorated with bandaids. To your pajama shorts, then up your torso to take note of the wrinkled T-shirt that fell untucked over your bust. He became uneasy when he saw that you weren't looking at him. You starred down at his feet with your wet hair hung loosely over your face so he could barely see your blank gaze. You had clearly just taken a shower.

     To wash away the sweat and tears you had stood in a long stream of cold water. In the confined space it was like your mind drained itself. Perhaps a method of emotional self-defense. Regardless, you didn't want to look anyone in the eyes. You felt unable to.

     "You okay?" He asked leaning forward to make his way into the house. You made way for him and closed the door behind you. Starring at the wooden door when you locked it again. You gave a pathetic shrug. "Y/N. You're freaking me out." He told you.

     "Do you want anything to drink?" You asked, emotionless as you dragged your feet across to floor to your kitchen.

     " beer?" He answered with a huffed. As he examined your demeanor and your inability to look at him. Asking for alcohol almost as a joke or a stab. You never liked to steal beer from your parents out fear that they'd notice. You made your way to the fridge and looked inside.

     "No beer. Just orange juice, water, and some old coffee." You stated. Vic followed you into the room and leaned on a counter.

     "Waters fine." He said. So you shuffled along and soon handed him a lukewarm glass of water from the sink. He watched you as you reached your arms out and held yourself by the counter. He took and sip and looked at you. "What made you tell him?" He asked after a painfully silent pause. You chewed on your bottom lip as you stared at the tile counter.

     "Uh...I don't know." You answered.

     "You gonna be okay?"

     "I don't know." Vic gave a loud sigh after your answer. This is why you didn't want Vic. No matter how good of a friend he was to you, he wasn't a caretaker. Belch was the only one with the heart to take care of another. Vic didn't like conflict. Bullying was one thing, but to him, that was nearly harmless fun. But any kind of issue other than a joke made him outrageously uncomfortable. You started swaying back and forth on your feet as you become more and more antsy.

     "Want to watch a movie?" Vic asked. Trying to get your mind off of everything, anything really. You shook your head. You barley wanted to move. Eventually, you looked up at the swaying Simon the cat clock in the kitchen and saw the time. 6:10.

    "Shit..." You hissed between your teeth.

     "What?" He asked with concern.

     "My parents will be home soon. Fuck. Shit." You cursed as you threw yourself away from the counter and started stomping up the stairs to your room. "We gotta get outta here." You called from the second floor before making it to your room.


     "Because!" You called as you began throwing on an oversized warm sweater and jeans before slipping on some tennis shoes. You hopped down each step in a hurry. "They've been asking too many questions lately and they don't know about it. They can't know about it." You insisted as you pulled him by the arm of his jacket towards the front door. Your eyes were still reluctant to look at him. Your voice still void of emotions and feeling.

TWISTED GAME: A Patrick Hockstetter x reader x Henry BowersWhere stories live. Discover now