Chapter Four*

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     It wasn't as easy to avoid the situation than you thought it would be. Patrick was strategic when it came to you and Henry. Every second Henry wasn't looking at you, Patrick had a hand somewhere on your person. Preferably on your chest or ass. You tried your best to swat his wandering hands away when Henry was too close for comfort. But that did little to stop him. And it didn't help that Henry was becoming more and more visibly distracted.

     You knew something wasn't right, and you knew it came from home. But what the hell were you supposed to do? It's not like you'd get an answer if you asked or anything. And god forbid you try and actually do something. You didn't want to even think about what he'd do to you then.

     You had a few more pressing matters to deal with. Like dealing with the sex-crazed Patrick for one. His lust for you had grown since your first encounter. You had started losing count of how many times he had snuck into your bedroom late at night and fucked you into your mattress. You stopped warning him that you might get pregnant. It never stopped him from emptying his load inside you before. Same went for Henry. Neither of them seemed to listen to you.

     Half-way through your summer, you spent a day hanging around Vic's place. His family wasn't home, and there wasn't much to do around town anyways. The biggest thrill of the day, if you could call it that, was stealing a few bags of chips, and sodas from a local gas station. It wasn't anything new, and the boys seemed bored by it. Not much left to do but sit and chow down and watch a little TV.

     You took your place curled up on Henry's side. His eyes focused on the Tv, you cried to grab a bit of attention by running your fingers through his hair. No such luck. It was like you barely even existed.

     "There's nothing on!" You heard Belch declare as he flipped through channels. Suddenly a flash of a full-on nude chest shot came into the screen and Vic and Henry shouted at him to go back. You felt Patrick give a low chuckle next to you as Belch struggled to go back. It was something about a country style concert, you weren't really paying attention. You were too busy trying to shift away and wandering hand. Thin and lanky fingers made their way below your ass and took a firm grip. To no avail, the groping continued. You leaned away from Henry slightly to make sure he wouldn't notice. Or any of the other boys. Your heart raced in your chest.

     Fuck. Patrick wasn't letting up. He leaned in closer even. His lips tickling your ear as he whispered.

     "Go to the bathroom. I'll meet you there in five." And scratched his unkept nails against your skin. You bit your lip to keep yourself from making a sound. He pulled away and leaned back. You felt yourself start to sweat and panic.

     "I'm gonna take a leak." You announced awkwardly, standing and walking off to the bathroom. Hearing a half-minded Henry joke.

     "Don't fall in." Making himself smirk as he kept watching the screen. You closed the door and waited. Maybe, just maybe you could escape out the window? Run home and avoid the whole thing? Your heart jumped out of your chest when you heard the door open, and close. Shit. Shit. Shit.

     "Look, Patrick. I can't do this anymore. It's not right." You didn't have the guts to face him. Staring at the tile wall in front of you. You heard the door lock behind you. When you didn't get an answer, you started to shake. "I-I" you were cut off by two hands forcing you against the wall. The pressure of not only hands but a whole body pressing you against the wall was sudden and startling. You gasped loudly. Looking up into the icy blue eyes that bared down at you.

     "You think you can't do this anymore?" He growled. "Do you have any idea how much it hurts? Seeing that fuck abuse you like that?" He grinds his hips into your ass. Nursing his erection. "Ignoring such a hot thing like you." You melt when he stuffs his face in your neck, and he purrs. "It's fucking criminal."

     "P-Patrick." You sigh as you feel him undress you from the waist down. Kissing and biting the back of your neck and ear as he hurries to pull himself out of his pants. The familiar feeling of his cock sliding deep inside fills you as you let out another airy gasp of pleasure. You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy this part. The way Patrick made you feel. Drove you crazy.

     Suddenly he's fucking you into the cold tile wall. Your hands, face, and chest pressed up against it almost painfully. His thrusts are relentless and if he was going any fast it'd make a loud slapping sound. You heard a knock at the door, and you jump. Patrick only pauses for a second.

     "Y/N?" Henry's voice comes out muffled from behind the door. Patrick lets out a soft, airy chuckle and goes right back to fucking you. You choke on your words and bite your tongue.


     "You alright?"

     "I'm fine!" You insist as Patrick gets rougher. He's enjoying this bit way, way too much.

     "You sure?"

     "Yeah! I-I just...feel nauseous is all...ah..shit." You curse under your breath as your orgasm builds deep inside you.

     "Okay." Henry takes the excuse, though audibly suspicious in his tone. You heard him shuffle off down the hall. And Patrick holds you tightly by your waist. Wrapping himself around you so he can rest his chin on your shoulder.

     "Such a good girl, Y/N." He speaks. "Taking my cock while telling off your boyfriend. Tell me. Can he make you cum like I can?" He asks, reaching down and playing with your clit with that damned grin on his face. You lose all control, cumming around him easily. "Oohhh fuck." He grunts. "Haha that's it, baby, drain my cock." Within another minute he starts to shake. Clinging to your body as his orgasm hits him. His hips buck, and he digs himself deep as he can. Leaving small pink scratch marks on your sides as he loses control. Cumming once again, balls deep inside of you. You bite your lip, hard.

     Patrick kisses your cheek and cleans himself up a bit before leaving you in the bathroom to clean yourself up. To sit back down in Henry's arms with a load leaking out of you in your panties. Patrick has a permanent smile on his crooked lips the rest of the night. Damn him.

TWISTED GAME: A Patrick Hockstetter x reader x Henry BowersWhere stories live. Discover now